[issue40942] BaseManager cannot start with local manager

2020-06-10 Thread Mike Jarvis
New submission from Mike Jarvis : I had a function for making a logger proxy that could be safely passed to multiprocessing workers and log back to the main logger with essentially the following code: ``` import logging from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager class SimpleGenerator

[issue32175] Add hash auto-randomization

2017-11-29 Thread Brian Jarvis
New submission from Brian Jarvis : Hash auto-randomization is a mechanism to detect when a collision attack is underway and switch to a randomized keying scheme at that point. This patch is for the 2.7 branch, where hash randomization is not on by default. Using collided strings from https

[issue30376] Curses documentation refers to incorrect type

2017-05-15 Thread Ryan Jarvis
New submission from Ryan Jarvis: Currently the Python curses documentation refers to `WindowObject` multiple times in the documentation. The actual type signature is `_curses.curses window`. WindowObject does not exist. Seen at 16.11.1. Textbox objects and curses.initscr() for both

[issue15523] Block on close TCP socket in SocketServer.py

2012-08-01 Thread Jarvis
New submission from Jarvis: In the Python 2.4, it closes the socket only by calling request.close() method. There is a risk by using this method to close socket. If the socket handle count does not reach zero because another process still has a handle to the socket then the connection is not