New submission from Jarvis:

In the Python 2.4, it closes the socket only by calling request.close() method. 
There is a risk by using this method to close socket. If the socket handle 
count does not reach zero because another process still has a handle to the 
socket then the connection is not closed and the socket is not deallocated. So 
in Python 2.7 it updates it by calling request.shutdown() first, which can 
close the underlying connection and send a FIN/EOF to the peer regardless of 
how many processes have handles to the socket. After that, it calls 
request.close() to deallocate the socket. You can see this updates below that 
is from the file of C:\Python27\Lib\

    def shutdown_request(self, request):
        """Called to shutdown and close an individual request."""
            #explicitly shutdown.  socket.close() merely releases
            #the socket and waits for GC to perform the actual close.
        except socket.error:
            pass #some platforms may raise ENOTCONN here

However,it will block at self.close_request(request) after 
request.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) if there are remaining data on reading side of 

Here, it calls request.shutdown() with SHUT_WR flag, which means it only shuts 
down the writing side of the socket. The reading side of the socket isn't shut 
down at same time. So when calling close_request to deallocate the socket, it 
will always be waiting to read response until response data is available. It 
seems like an issue in library.

In terms of that, I replaced the SHUT_WR flag with SHUT_RDWR (shut down both 
reading and writing sides of the socket) for request.shutdown method. Then this 
issue was resolved, the SSL connection was closed immediately.

messages: 167110
nosy: jarvisliang
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Block on close TCP socket in
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7

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