Jack Liu added the comment:
Good to know the fix will be included Python official builds. Thanks.
Python tracker
New submission from Jack Liu:
For some reason. I need to install Python 3.3.5 (64-bit) on OSX 10.11.6. I got
installer from
http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.3.5/python-3.3.5-macosx10.6.dmg, failed to
install Python 3.3.5 on OSX 10.11.6. See error in attached screenshot.
I know it's ab
Jack Liu added the comment:
Now, I have to set nosigint to True to fix the reference leaks issue for my app.
Python tracker
Jack Liu added the comment:
Will the issue be fixed in Python formal build?
I still meet the same issue with Python 3.5.1. It cost me a bit time to track
down this issue.
I'm using pdb to debug a Python script, there are global variables in the
script. Duo the leak of sigint_handler, ca
Changes by Jack Liu :
nosy: +pitrou
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jack Liu added the comment:
@serhiy.storchaka, The reference counts before PyDict_DelItemString are same on
Python 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6.
Python tracker
Jack Liu added the comment:
Looks to me, there is NO reference cycle on the Simple object in the python
test code. Why needs to call PyGC_Collect() here?
Python tracker
Jack Liu added the comment:
The problem is resolved if call PyGC_Collect() after PyDict_DelItemString(). Is
it expected to call PyGC_Collect() here?
Python tracker
Jack Liu added the comment:
I know there is a workaround to set the global variables to None at last in
Python scripts. But my app just provide a framework for my customers to run
python scripts. That means the workaround requires my customers to update their
python scripts. That may make
Jack Liu added the comment:
I wrote the test code as below. I also attached the files in attachment.
class Simple:
def __init__( self ):
def __del__( self ):
Jack Liu added the comment:
@eric.snow, Thank you for the replay. You understood right.
I run this module as __main__ module, so there is no other modules to reference
this module. And as I debugged, the ref count of this module became 0 after
calling PyDict_DelItemString, but global variable
Jack Liu added the comment:
I have a app loading python35.dll. Use python API PyImport_AddModule to run a
py file. And use PyDict_DelItemString to delete the module. There is a global
vailable in the py file. The global variable is not destroyed when calling
PyDict_DelItemString to delete the
Changes by Jack Liu :
components: +Extension Modules -Library (Lib)
title: Python 3.5.1 C API, the global available available is not destroyed when
delete the module -> Python 3.5.1 C API, the global variable is not destroyed
when delete the mod
New submission from Jack Liu:
down vote
I have a app loading python35.dll. Use python API PyImport_AddModule to run a
py file. And use PyDict_DelItemString to delete the module. There is a global
vailable in the py file. The global variable is not destroyed when calling
14 matches
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