Gene Ratzlaff added the comment:
Agreed, but only to the limits of the buffer - that's what I was getting at
when I suggested that limitations should be explained.
Python tracker
New submission from Gene Ratzlaff :
In the section titled "Logging to a single file from multiple processes"
I am puzzled by the second example, as follows:
The first example has the listener/logger is in a separate >process< and the
listener/logger process is (as I would ant
New submission from Gene Ratzlaff :
class mechanism used in 8.5 before classes are explained in chapter 9.
Suggest first use of word "class" be a forward link to "9. Classes":
New submission from Gene Ratzlaff :
v2.6.2 Python Tutorial
Section 8. Errors and Exceptions
8.4. Raising Exceptions
It appears that in the example, the original may have been:
raise(NameError('HiThere')) and was then