New submission from Gene Ratzlaff <>:

In the section titled "Logging to a single file from multiple processes"
I am puzzled by the second example, as follows:
The first example has the listener/logger is in a separate >process< and the 
listener/logger process is (as I would anticipate) started >before< the 
worker/sender processes. 
In the 2nd example, the listener/logger is in a separate >thread< and the 
listener/logger thread is (oddly) started >after< the worker/sender processes.
Please correct it, or explain in the Cookbook what is OK about doing it that 
way, and if it is OK, are there limitations to doing it that way?

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 391267
nosy: bluebloodpole, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Logging Cookbook ambiguity
type: enhancement

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