[issue9312] Fix usage of :option: markup in stdlib ReST docs

2010-11-18 Thread Eli Bendersky
Eli Bendersky added the comment: Éric, I went over both the diffs and the HTML output from "make clean html" on the latest 3.2 trunk. Looks good to me! Just a tiny nit re unittest.rst, where it says "supports three command-line options". This is the kind of comment that gets left behind when

[issue8028] self.terminate() from a multiprocessing.Process raises AttributeError exception

2010-11-18 Thread 5houston
5houston added the comment: Hi. I tried my code (minCrashing.py) in windows using python 3.1.2, 2.3alpha4 and 3.1.3rc1 The behaviour is deeply different from linux 3.1.2. I think it's a bug. What do you think about it? -- versions: +Python 3.2 -Python 3.1 _

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread david
david added the comment: On 19 November 2010 04:40, Martin v. Löwis wrote: > > Martin v. Löwis added the comment: > >>> This may not be satisfying to users. For example, our Windows >>> distribution doesn't ship with any certicates (AFAIK); I have no >>> clue where exactly OpenSSL would be loo

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: > Yes, hex numeral would be more accurate than hex digit. Stick with hex digit. We've used that phraseology for a long time. See string.hexdigits for example. And "hex numeral" just sounds weird -- it makes me do a double-take to see if there was some

[issue10183] test_concurrent_futures failure on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Brian Quinlan
Brian Quinlan added the comment: Could you try rerunning the tests with the attached patch? It could be that your machines are just terribly slow at starting new Python instances. -- keywords: +patch Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file19636/timing.patch ___

[issue7584] datetime.rfcformat() for Date and Time on the Internet

2010-11-18 Thread Mihai Capotă
Changes by Mihai Capotă : -- nosy: +mihaic ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.or

[issue5207] extend strftime/strptime format for RFC3339 and RFC2822

2010-11-18 Thread Mihai Capotă
Changes by Mihai Capotă : -- nosy: +mihaic ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.or

[issue10356] decimal.py: hash of -1

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: Raymond Hettinger wrote: > The choice between ValueError and TypeError can sometimes be ambiguous and > seem arbitrary and I understand why you're gravitating towards ValueError > (because it works some values and not others), but in this case the API is > alre

[issue5421] Irritating error message by socket's sendto method

2010-11-18 Thread Vetoshkin Nikita
Vetoshkin Nikita added the comment: Here's a patch, which performs argument checking in a way to be able to provide better error message like that: >>> my_socket.sendto("No Umlaut", ("localhost", 514)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: 'str' does not support

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: 0 through ... is fine with me. Yes, hex numeral would be more accurate than hex digit. -- ___ Python tracker ___ __

[issue10456] unittest.main(verbosity=2) broke in python31, worked when I had python27

2010-11-18 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: 2.7 is post-3.1. This works as you expect in 3.2. This is, it is a new feature in both 2.7 and 3.2. (NB: this is why I wanted 3.2 to come out close to 2.7, but fortunately this is the first report like this I think we've gotten.) -- nosy: +r.david

[issue10356] decimal.py: hash of -1

2010-11-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Changes by Raymond Hettinger : -- assignee: skrah -> rhettinger ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue10356] decimal.py: hash of -1

2010-11-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: The choice between ValueError and TypeError can sometimes be ambiguous and seem arbitrary and I understand why you're gravitating towards ValueError (because it works some values and not others), but in this case the API is already fixed by what hash() doe

[issue10456] unittest.main(verbosity=2) broke in python31, worked when I had python27

2010-11-18 Thread Ezio Melotti
Changes by Ezio Melotti : -- nosy: +ezio.melotti, michael.foord ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue10456] unittest.main(verbosity=2) broke in python31, worked when I had python27

2010-11-18 Thread Terry Herron
New submission from Terry Herron : The unittest.py module no longer accepts verbosity=2 when calling main. This worked in Python27. Example... unittest.main(verbosity=2) ## THE FIX IN unittest.py## CHANGE FROM: 1547 def __init__(self, module='__main__', defaultTest=None, 1548

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment: On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote: .. >> I really think of them as hex or hexadecimal digits, just as 0-9 are >> decimal, not base 10 digits. >> > > I am fine with "hexadecimal" here.  I did not like "hex". If you think about i

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment: On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Terry J. Reedy wrote: .. > I visually parse 0-1,114,111 as 0-1, 114, 111. So I think either the commas > should be removed or extra spaces are needed: 0-1114111 or 0 - 1,114,111. What about "0 through 1,114,111"? > you u

[issue10455] typo in urllib.request documentation

2010-11-18 Thread Ezio Melotti
Ezio Melotti added the comment: Fixed in r86528 (py3k) and r86529 (release31-maint), thanks! -- nosy: +ezio.melotti resolution: -> fixed stage: -> committed/rejected status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Ezio Melotti
Changes by Ezio Melotti : -- nosy: +ezio.melotti ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyt

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Thanks for persisting with this. Looking at the patch: @@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ goal was to have Unicode contain the alphabets for every single human language. It turns out that even 16 bits isn't enough to meet that goal, and the modern Unicode specification uses

[issue10455] typo in urllib.request documentation

2010-11-18 Thread Jeffrey Finkelstein
New submission from Jeffrey Finkelstein : Typo in Doc/library/urllib.request.rst, under the "urllib.response" module description: "and" -> "an" -- assignee: d...@python components: Documentation files: urllib.request_typo.diff keywords: patch messages: 121487 nosy: d...@python, jfinkels

[issue7828] chr() and ord() documentation for wide characters

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment: Committed in r86526 (3.2) and r86527 (3.1). -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> committed/rejected status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker _

[issue10356] decimal.py: hash of -1

2010-11-18 Thread Terry J. Reedy
Terry J. Reedy added the comment: Should there be a 'versionchanged' note in the doc, even if the error type was not documented? -- ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue7132] Regexp: capturing groups in repetitions

2010-11-18 Thread Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barnett added the comment: Earlier this week I discovered that .Net supports repeated capture and its API suggested a much cleaner approach than what Perl offered, so I'll be adding it to the regex module at: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/regex The new methods will follow the examp

[issue1669349] make install fails if no previous Python installation

2010-11-18 Thread lkraav
lkraav added the comment: i have managed to get past unicodedata fails by manually enabling unicodedata (https://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/21a3b6db8f5a246b?hl=en). got another error right after that, but that might be something further gentoo/xcompile speci

[issue7828] chr() and ord() documentation for wide characters

2010-11-18 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment: Looks good to me, except for a 'stings' near the end of the patch. -- nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue7828] chr() and ord() documentation for wide characters

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Changes by Alexander Belopolsky : -- keywords: +patch stage: needs patch -> patch review Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file19633/issue7828.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: >> This may not be satisfying to users. For example, our Windows >> distribution doesn't ship with any certicates (AFAIK); I have no >> clue where exactly OpenSSL would be looking for them, either. >> People worried about this problem probably would want a way

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread david
david added the comment: On 19 November 2010 03:48, Antoine Pitrou wrote: > > Antoine Pitrou added the comment: > >> > This may not be satisfying to users. For example, our Windows >> > distribution doesn't ship with any certicates (AFAIK); I have no >> > clue where exactly OpenSSL would be lo

[issue9991] xmlrpc client ssl check faulty

2010-11-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran
Senthil Kumaran added the comment: r86523(py3k) and r86524(release31-maint) -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing lis

[issue1669349] make install fails if no previous Python installation

2010-11-18 Thread lkraav
lkraav added the comment: i think i am running into this trying to cross-compile for i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc and have been unable to figure out how to get altinstall to succeed: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=269111#c12 build log available at http://bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?i

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Changes by Éric Araujo : -- nosy: +eric.araujo ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pytho

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: > > This may not be satisfying to users. For example, our Windows > > distribution doesn't ship with any certicates (AFAIK); I have no > > clue where exactly OpenSSL would be looking for them, either. > > People worried about this problem probably would want a w

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Changes by Alexander Belopolsky : -- nosy: +akuchling ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mai

[issue2244] urllib and urllib2 decode userinfo multiple times

2010-11-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran
Senthil Kumaran added the comment: Fixed in r86520 (py3k) and r86522 (release31-maint). unquote happens at the first level inside Request class, _parse method. Shall port to py2.7. -- nosy: -BreamoreBoy resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> committed/rejected

[issue9312] Fix usage of :option: markup in stdlib ReST docs

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Éric Araujo added the comment: Patch tweaked and committed in r86521. Gory details follow. The patch applied with only two fuzzy hunks and one rejected hunk. I did a careful review of "" → ``""`` changes and edited a number of them. I’m confident in my choices but am of course open to comme

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment: r82301 appears to be a blind merge of r82120 from the trunk. It is fairly obvious that it was not intentional. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Changes by Alexander Belopolsky : Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file19631/issue4153.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mai

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Changes by Alexander Belopolsky : Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file19632/issue4153.diff ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list maili

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread david
david added the comment: On 19 November 2010 03:18, Martin v. Löwis wrote: > > Martin v. Löwis added the comment: > >>> The best that could be done is to provide a configuration option (e.g. >>> global variable) that should be treated as a default value, and then >>> leave it to people distrib

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: >> The best that could be done is to provide a configuration option (e.g. >> global variable) that should be treated as a default value, and then >> leave it to people distributing Python to fill out this variable in a >> sensible way. > > Actually, OpenSSL al

[issue10454] Clarify compileall command-line options

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Éric Araujo added the comment: In addition, the line “if no directory arguments, -l sys.path is assumed” seems misplaced. -- ___ Python tracker ___

[issue1353344] python.desktop

2010-11-18 Thread Dave Malcolm
Changes by Dave Malcolm : -- nosy: +dmalcolm ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyth

[issue10453] Add -h/--help option to compileall

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Éric Araujo added the comment: One neat way to solve this is to make compileall use argparse. -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bu

[issue10454] Clarify compileall command-line options

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Changes by Éric Araujo : -- title: Clarify compileall options -> Clarify compileall command-line options ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Py

[issue10454] Clarify compileall options

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
New submission from Éric Araujo : This is the help text of compileall: usage: python compileall.py [-l] [-f] [-q] [-d destdir] [-x regexp] [-i list] [directory|file ...] -l: don't recurse down -f: force rebuild even if timestamps are up-to-date -q: quiet operation -d destdir: purported dir

[issue10450] Fix markup in Misc/NEWS

2010-11-18 Thread Dave Malcolm
Dave Malcolm added the comment: Perhaps "make patchcheck" (a.k.a Tools/scripts/patchcheck.py ) should verify the markup of Misc/NEWS? Not sure what the easiest way to do that is, though, without bringing in lots of deps. -- nosy: +dmalcolm ___ Pyt

[issue10453] Add -h/--help option to compileall

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
New submission from Éric Araujo : It would be useful if “python -m compileall -h” was possible. Right now it fails with “option -h not recognized” and prints its help text, which is a bit silly :) Bug week-end candidate! -- assignee: eric.araujo components: Library (Lib) keywords: ea

[issue4476] compileall.py fails if current dir has a "types" subdir with 3.0 (ok with 2.5)

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Changes by Éric Araujo : -- nosy: +eric.araujo versions: +Python 3.1, Python 3.2 -Python 3.0 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-lis

[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2010-11-18 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
Alexander Belopolsky added the comment: The changes added in r82301 are misleading because code examples in this HOWTO have been converted to 3.x. I am attaching a patch that removes "has not yet been updated to cover the 3.x" warning and makes some minor stylistic changes. I have bumped the

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: > The best that could be done is to provide a configuration option (e.g. > global variable) that should be treated as a default value, and then > leave it to people distributing Python to fill out this variable in a > sensible way. Actually, OpenSSL already doe

[issue10441] some stdlib modules need to be updated to handle SSL certificate validation

2010-11-18 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: db: there *is* no "sane system ca path", or Python would have done that long ago. On Windows, it may be possible to drop OpenSSL, and use the system certificate store. However, that would be a major rewrite, and it may not be possible to provide the entire A

[issue8792] Support Apache extensions to XML-RPC in xmlrpclib

2010-11-18 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: > An addition: It was reported in #10425 that None values are > incorrectly serialized as , instead of just > , or maybe <{namespace prefix for extensions defined by > Apache}:nil/>. This is not incorrect, but follows the specification of the nil element, see,

[issue10425] xmlrpclib support for None isn't compliant with XMLRPC

2010-11-18 Thread Martin v . Löwis
Martin v. Löwis added the comment: In case it isn't clear from the discussion in issue8792: I'd be in favor of supporting extensions as long as their usage is an opt-in feature. The current nil support is already an opt-in feature. If alternative spellings of nil need to be supported, or othe

[issue10356] decimal.py: hash of -1

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: Thanks for all the comments! I agree that a change in 2.7 might cause trouble. Committed the ValueError in r86517 (py3k). -- resolution: -> fixed stage: patch review -> committed/rejected status: open -> closed ___ P

[issue10447] zipfile: IOError for long directory paths on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread R. David Murray
R. David Murray added the comment: I agree with Amaury. IMO the IOError is the correct error, since it is bubbling up unexpectedly (from zipfile's viewpoint) from a lower layer and is not an error specific to the zip protocol implementation. (CF the discussion surrounding PEP 3151). Probabl

[issue9991] xmlrpc client ssl check faulty

2010-11-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran
Changes by Senthil Kumaran : -- status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://ma

[issue10452] Unhelpful diagnostic 'cannot find the path specified'

2010-11-18 Thread Tim Golden
Tim Golden added the comment: It's almost certainly coming straight back from the O/S, where Python is doing its usual thing of channelling an O/S error directly. Obviously we could special-case this or any other specific error; but we usually don't -- nosy: +tim.golden ___

[issue9991] xmlrpc client ssl check faulty

2010-11-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran
Senthil Kumaran added the comment: Fixed in r86514 (py3k) and r86515 (release31-maint). -- assignee: -> orsenthil resolution: -> fixed stage: -> committed/rejected ___ Python tracker

[issue10356] decimal.py: hash of -1

2010-11-18 Thread Mark Dickinson
Mark Dickinson added the comment: I wouldn't risk changing the exception type in 2.7. It's fine for 3.2. -- ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue10452] Unhelpful diagnostic 'cannot find the path specified'

2010-11-18 Thread Eric Smith
Eric Smith added the comment: I ask about the specific version and platform because the string "cannot find the path specified" doesn't appear anywhere in release26-maint. And indeed "cannot find the" doesn't appear anywhere except comments. I'm going to close this issue, assuming it's a prob

[issue10451] memoryview can be used to write into readonly buffer

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Changes by Éric Araujo : -- nosy: +pitrou ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.or

[issue10452] Unhelpful diagnostic 'cannot find the path specified'

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Changes by Éric Araujo : -- nosy: +eric.araujo ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyth

[issue10444] A mechanism is needed to override waiting for Python threads to finish

2010-11-18 Thread Éric Araujo
Changes by Éric Araujo : -- nosy: +eric.araujo versions: -Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.3 ___ Python tracker ___ ___ P

[issue10452] Unhelpful diagnostic 'cannot find the path specified'

2010-11-18 Thread Eric Smith
Eric Smith added the comment: What code were you executing when this message was printed? What platform are you running on? What's the exact version of Python this happens with? (If you're running 2.6.x, what's "x" equal to?) -- nosy: +eric.smith _

[issue10260] Add a threading.Condition.wait_for() method

2010-11-18 Thread Kristján Valur Jónsson
Kristján Valur Jónsson added the comment: Committed as revision 86510 -- resolution: -> accepted status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker ___ _

[issue10452] Unhelpful diagnostic 'cannot find the path specified'

2010-11-18 Thread Raphael Mankin
New submission from Raphael Mankin : Something somewhere in the library issues the diagnostic 'The system cannot find the path specified' with no indication of what path it was looking for nor where the error was detected. The relevant routine needs modification to print at least the path and

[issue7652] Merge C version of decimal into py3k.

2010-11-18 Thread Stefan Krah
Stefan Krah added the comment: An update on the progress: All development currently happens in my private mpdecimal repository. The next version of mpdecimal (2.0) is finished, stable and will be released once all tests have completed successfully. Running the whole test suite can take several

[issue10351] Add autocompletion for keys in dictionaries

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Changes by Antoine Pitrou : -- nosy: +facundobatista, georg.brandl ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscrib

[issue10351] Add autocompletion for keys in dictionaries

2010-11-18 Thread Valery Khamenya
Valery Khamenya added the comment: Guys, do you expect anythig else from me in respect to this issue? Let me know it before my non-stopable garbage collector wipes all the details from my brain away :) -- ___ Python tracker

[issue10183] test_concurrent_futures failure on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Antoine Pitrou added the comment: Y:\>py3k\__svn__\PCbuild\amd64\python_d.exe -m test.regrtest -v test_concurrent_futures == CPython 3.2a4+ (py3k, Nov 18 2010, 11:12:09) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] == Windows-7-6.1.7600 little-endian == Y:\py3k\__svn__\build\test_python_2016 [1/1] test_conc

[issue4113] Add custom __repr__ to functools.partial

2010-11-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger
Raymond Hettinger added the comment: > Looks like a reasonable proposal, but coding this in C is a chore. It's not that bad. Most C code is a bit of a chore compared to Python but it really doesn't take much to write a C equivalent of: "functools.partial(%r, %s)" % (self.func, ', '.join(rep

[issue10183] test_concurrent_futures failure on Windows

2010-11-18 Thread Brian Quinlan
Brian Quinlan added the comment: Would you include the entire output of the test run? -- ___ Python tracker ___ ___ Python-bugs-list