[PyMOL] get_bond bond counting in PyMol

2016-03-22 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMol Users While working with a ligand in a pdb file, which I saved in .mol2 file format, I used following command: get_bond stick_transparency, * I observed following outcome in Pymol. Getting: stick_transparency for 63 bonds in object "testing".

Re: [PyMOL] get_bond bond counting in PyMol

2016-03-25 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMol Users, I found an easy way to count total number of bonds in a molecule, which has been loaded in PyMol viewer: from chempy import stored, Bond m = cmd.get_model() print “number of total bonds:”, len(m.bond) I hope it will be useful. Cheers Vijay On 3/22/16, Vijay Masand wrote

[PyMOL] Problem with 'byring' selection

2017-06-02 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMOL Users, I am using PyMOL 1.8.6 on Windows 10 (64 bit) with Python 2.7.12. I was working with small molecule (ClC1[OH+]C(Cl)=CN=C1C(=O)N([NH+]1CCC(SC1)F)CCN). When I tried to select all Nitrogen atoms which are exclusively in the ring only, I tried following command: abc=cmd.select('byring

Re: [PyMOL] Problem with 'byring' selection

2017-06-03 Thread Vijay Masand
gt; get only nitrogens will yield only those that are members of rings. > > Hope it helps, > > Tsjerk > > On Jun 3, 2017 5:45 AM, "Vijay Masand" wrote: > >> Dear PyMOL Users, >> I am using PyMOL 1.8.6 on Windows 10 (64 bit) with Python 2.7.12. I >

Re: [PyMOL] Problem with 'byring' selection

2017-06-03 Thread Vijay Masand
ogic, which involves deletion of 'not': abc = cmd.select('elem S and byring elem S w. 4 of elem O') Sulphur atom present at a distance of 4.8 A from Oxygen atom was not selected. I hope I will be benefited with better explanation. Cheers Vijay On 6/3/17, Vijay Masand wrote: &

[PyMOL] Enable selected atoms of disabled object

2017-06-18 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear All, With the help of internal GUI, we can disable the appearance of an object,however we can still operate on the representations of objects that are disabled, even with the commands show and hide. The results are apparent only when we subsequently enable the object. Is there any way to enabl

Re: [PyMOL] Enable selected atoms of disabled object

2017-06-19 Thread Vijay Masand
> > Try something like: > hide everything object > show sticks selection > > Cheers, > > Andreas > > On Jun 19, 2017 6:00 AM, "Vijay Masand" wrote: > >> Dear All, >> With the help of internal GUI, we can disable the appearance of an >&g

[PyMOL] New PyMOL Plugin-PyDescriptor

2017-08-18 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMOL Users, It gives me an immense pleasure to inform you that our group has developed a new plugin to calculate 11,145 molecular descriptors for small molecules. This is an attempt to add new dimension to PyMOL. The research article describing 'PyDescriptor' has been published in Chemometric

[PyMOL] Help- PyMOL 1.8.7 on Python 3.6- Plugin Manager Issue

2017-08-21 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMOL Users Today, I installed PyMOL 1.8.7 with Python 3.6 on Windows 10. But, unfortunatelt facing one issue with Plugin Manager. The error is as following: Error: 1 TypeError Exception in Tk callback Function: .plugin_manager at 0x019192E818C8> (type: ) Args: () Traceback (innermost

Re: [PyMOL] Help- PyMOL 1.8.7 on Python 3.6- Plugin Manager Issue

2017-08-21 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear Christoph Thank you for the help. I followed your suggestion, but no success. However, a new line is appearing now at the bottom of the error message, here is the complete error message: Error: 1 TypeError Exception in Tk callback Function: .plugin_manager at 0x01B40CB228C8> (type: )

Re: [PyMOL] Help- PyMOL 1.8.7 on Python 3.6- Plugin Manager Issue

2017-08-22 Thread Vijay Masand
patches/7/> > >> On Aug 21, 2017, at 10:32 PM, Vijay Masand wrote: >> >> Dear Christoph >> Thank you for the help. I followed your suggestion, but no success. >> However, a new line is appearing now at the bottom of the error >> message, here is the complete erro

[PyMOL] PyDescriptor Plugin is available on https://ochem.eu/home/show.do

2017-09-02 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMOL users The PyMOL plugin "PyDescriptor' is available on following web-server with enhanced ability to calculate 16,300 molecular descriptors for a molecule: https://ochem.eu/home/show.do PyDescripto is a platform independent plugin for PyMOL (for Python 2 and 3). It is available free of

[PyMOL] PyMOL 2.0.7 is selecting wrong atoms

2018-01-31 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMOL users, Today, I used following command to select positively charged ring carbon atoms, surprisingly, PyMOL 2.0.7 selected negatively charged ring carbon atoms also. Is it a bug or issue associated with 'Byring'? carb_pos = cmd.select('e. C and Byring e. C and (pc.>0)') I am sharing the i

[PyMOL] SMILES pattern recognition ability of PyMOL

2018-06-14 Thread Vijay Masand
Dear PyMOL Users, I am using Open source PyMOL 2.1 installed on Windows 10 (Python 3.6). I found a very interesting ability of PyMOL which is related to SMILES pattern matching. With the help of following code, I am able to get count of matches for a specified SMILES pattern. For example, I used "C

Re: [PyMOL] [EXTERNAL] Valence_Mode issue

2020-06-21 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
4-5419 > > > From: Ali Kusay [akus8...@uni.sydney.edu.au] > Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 7:41 AM > To: Mooers, Blaine H.M. (HSC); Vijay Masand > Cc: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net > Subject: Re: [PyMOL] [EXTERNAL] Valence_Mode issue >

[PyMOL] Problem In using Pymol 2.4 through IDLE -Python 3

2020-10-23 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
Hello PyMOL users I installed open source PyMOL 2.4 (Python 3.7) on Windows 10 (64 bit). It strated without any problem when the icon was double clicked.But when I tried to use it from IDLE (PYTHON 3.7- 64bit), it showed following error: "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could no

Re: [PyMOL] Problem In using Pymol 2.4 through IDLE -Python 3

2020-10-25 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
l C++ Redistributable for Visual > Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 > < > https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads > > > > Christoph > > > On 10/23/2020 8:11 PM, Dr. Vijay Masand wrote: > > Hello PyMOL users > > I

Re: [PyMOL] Drawing cgo circles

2020-12-02 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
Hello Gerald I think you are looking for this type of diagram. I drew it using PyMOL only. I used it in one of the papers (See. Journal of Molecular Structure 1175 (2019) 481-487), in which I used 'PyDescriptor' for QSAR work. PyDescriptor is a PyMOL plugin. [image: ring5and7A.png] With Warm Rega

[PyMOL] Portable Version of Python 3.8 with Portable PyMOL+RDKIt+Many More

2022-07-18 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
Dear all We have successfully developed a new portable version of Python 3.8 (64 bit only) for windows 7, 10 and 11. It contains fully functional and smoothly running portable versions of Open Source PyMOL 2.5, RDKit 2022.3.2.1, Jupyter Notebook, Matplotlib, Sci-Py, Numpy, PyQt5, Pip, Pandas, IPyt

[PyMOL] Successful integration of Pymol with ChatGPT

2023-04-11 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
/chatgpt-the-future-of-pymol-automation/ I hope it will be useful for you. Cheers from Vijay Masand With Warm Regards *Dr. Vijay H. Masand* Department of Chemistry, Vidya Bharati College, Amravati, 444 602 Maharashtra, India. Phone number- +91-9403312628 https://sites.google.com/site/vijaymasand

Re: [PyMOL] where can I ask questions? Is there any forum?

2024-04-01 Thread Dr. Vijay Masand
Dear Elizabeth A simple solution is to use DockingApp in Windows. Downliad it from following site: http://www.computationalbiology.it/software.html It is very easy to use it. Contact if you need any help. From Dr. Vijay H. Masand On Mon, 1 Apr, 2024, 8:55 pm Elizabeth Tsakelidou, wrote: > > Hey