[PyMOL] Opening large trajectories

2016-10-26 Thread Rui Sousa
Dear all, I am trying to open a large trajectory file from a NAMD MD simulation on a Windows machine running Pymol 1.7.2.. In order to do this, I tried two things (both with defer_builds_mode 3): - Opening the .dcd file using load_traj, I was able to load most of it (400 frames); however, if

Re: [PyMOL] Moving a duplicated object a given distance from the original object

2016-11-25 Thread Rui Sousa
Hello Sajeewa, The translate command uses angström as a unit. Therefore, if you want to translate obj2 by 10 nm, you should use "translate [100,0,0]" instead of "translate [10,0,0]". Best regards, Rui Le 25/11/2016 12:04, Sajeewa Pemasinghe a écrit : Hello everyone, I have a linear molecu

Re: [PyMOL] Moving a duplicated object a given distance from the original object

2016-11-25 Thread Rui Sousa
so that the vector is relative to the model's axes instead. Le 25/11/2016 12:37, Rui Sousa a écrit : Hello Sajeewa, The translate command uses angström as a unit. Therefore, if you want to translate obj2 by 10 nm, you should use "translate [100,0,0]" instead of "translat

Re: [PyMOL] PDB Format not correct for use in CHARMM

2016-11-28 Thread Rui Sousa
Hi Marko, For the order of the atoms, check if "retain_order" is set to 1; if not, use "set retain_order, 1" before importing your PDB file. For the rest of your problem, what exactly is being changed from the imported PDB file and the saved one? Apart from the addition of TER, which is a fair

Re: [PyMOL] Get dihedral angle of multiple objects

2016-12-07 Thread Rui Sousa
Hi, I am assuming it is because, when you pass the arguments on the cmd.dihedral() command, the "obj" is being read as a string, instead of the variable obj. I think your problem will be solved if you use something like, for your first example: "/"+obj+"///655/CA" Note the quotation marks pla

Re: [PyMOL] Getting rid of shadows

2017-02-23 Thread Rui Sousa
Hi Vivian, I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, but if you want to have a picture without shadows, by using "set light_count, 0" (https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Light_count) you should be able to achieve this. Rui Le 22/02/2017 17:46, Vivien Schoonenberg a écrit : Hi, I’m r