[PyMOL] a pymol problem: cannot transit smoothly between representations in animation

2016-11-17 Thread ? ?
Dear all, I come across the same problem as the link below, which is that my movie made by pymol cannot transit between different representations smoothly. It cannot transit smoothly either when I click the scene buttons. It seems very simple in MovieSchool5 on pymolwiki website. I don't know w

Re: [PyMOL] a pymol problem: cannot transit smoothly between representations in animation

2016-11-17 Thread honegger
Hi, Lei Zen The example script in https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/MovieSchool_5 shows smooth changes in camera and object transformation, color and representation change in discrete jumps. PyMOL does not automatically interpolate colors or transparency, only transformations. Mostly, smooth colo