[PyMOL] Leap Motion

2016-10-03 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hey :) We've been playing recently with a Leap Motion controller for PyMol and are now wondering how we would emulate a mouse click event, based on the screen coordinates. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance, Tsjerk -- Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.

[PyMOL] 3D printing

2016-10-03 Thread Robert Hanson
Can someone give me a summary of capabilities and limitations in PyMOL re 3D printing? For example: Q: What output file types are supported? (WRL, X3D, STL[ASCII/binary], other) Q: Does the generation of these include algorithms for ensuring closure or for stitching together objects in order to

Re: [PyMOL] 3D printing

2016-10-03 Thread Paul Paukstelis
Bob, I've just started 3D printing myself. I've been focusing on complex ball-and-stick models (I posted some questions about WRL output not too long ago), as there seems to be very few people doing these type of models. By most accounts, doing surfaces or cartoons is more straightforward, an

Re: [PyMOL] 3D printing

2016-10-03 Thread Sampson, Jared M.
Hi Bob - I also haven't done much of anything with 3D printing myself, but having worked on the COLLADA exporter as one of my POSF fellowship projects, I can share some info about the formats themselves and what data is being included in the output files. > Q: What output file types are suppo