
I've just started 3D printing myself. I've been focusing on complex ball-and-stick models (I posted some questions about WRL output not too long ago), as there seems to be very few people doing these type of models. By most accounts, doing surfaces or cartoons is more straightforward, and in many cases you can find things already on the NIH 3D print exchange, or send something through their pipeline.

Questions answered as best as I know:

On 10/03/2016 01:02 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
Can someone give me a summary of capabilities and limitations in PyMOL re 3D printing?

For example:

Q: What output file types are supported? (WRL, X3D, STL[ASCII/binary], other)
WRL is the best bet for export. It only exports what is in the scene.

Q: Does the generation of these include algorithms for ensuring closure or for stitching together objects in order to not have ragged overlap?
No. This has to be done manually and is the biggest pain for any output from the visualization software I have tried. You might be able to dump it into one of the available online tools, but I have never really tried. I've developed a Blender python script to work with PyMOL output VRML files specifically for ball-and-stick models. It is a work in progress but it does model clean up, manifolding, and if desired it can manually put pins/holes in certain cylinders/spheres so models can be printed as separate pieces and stuck together after the fact. I'd be happy to share it with anyone interested.

Q: What is needed to add support struts so that the model is connected and strong enough?
Really has to be done manually. NIH pipeline may have ways of automating this. For VRML output, one can just use distance measurements with dash_gap set to 0 to make struts. I use this for H-bonding as well.

Q: If features are not amenable to printing (labels, perhaps?), are they automatically ignored? Need to be manually removed?

Just hide them before exporting to VRML format

Bob Hanson

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