Recently, when I use pymol to load one pdb file, I got the following
error and the Pymol is closed.
I install pymol from soure code, and it worked no problem .
Who can give me some advice ?
thanks a lot.
# the error strart here
Hi Jacky,
Do you encounter the same error with other PDB files? If not, can you check
the file? If you don't find anything obviously wrong, can you post this PDB
file somewhere where we can access it? If you do get the same error with
other files, but you didn't have it before, you may have corrup
Hi Tsjerk,
Thanks for your comment, I found the reason of this error.
After I post the last mail, had noticed the error message at below:
$ pymol 1ag2.pdb
> OpenGL Warning: Failed to connect to host. Make sure 3D acceleration is
> enabled for this VM.
> libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvi
Dear all,I want to draw CA atoms of a peptide as circles, but not spheres. How
can I do that? Thanks
Yeping Sun
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect you
Hi Yeping,
PyMOL> show spheres, name CA
PyMOL> set sphere_mode, 3
an eventually (example numbers):
PyMOL> set sphere_point_max_size, 100
PyMOL> set sphere_scale, 0.5
Hope that helps.
On 06 Jan 2014, at 09:34, sunyeping wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to draw CA atoms of a pe