Hi Folks !
I was very happy when I saw the possibility in Pymol to load and
visualize moe states. I' ve been working with the computer program Grid
for nearly two years now and
I always have had incredible problems to display the molecular
interaction fields (Mif's) .
The Grid Viewer supporte
I have a set of objects generated by "distance" commands through which I would
like to cycle, for example with the movie controls. Using "create" to generate
individual states of a single object does not work as the distance objects do
not contain atoms. Is there a solution to this problem?
Hello Bernd,
The trick is to create the distance objects using atoms already present in the
states you wish the distances to occupy. For example:
# load NMR structure
fetch 1nmr, async=1
# measure N to C distance in each frame
distance demo, 1/N, 85/C
# play
set movie_fps, 1
Can you convert the files to Insight GRID ".grd" format? PyMOL can read
those files directly.
Alternatively, dependeing upon complexity of the task, you might be able
to study the SVL .kont reader and create a Python equivalent for use
with PyMOL.
> -Original Mes
FYI, for Windows users who like to live "on the edge"...
AxPyMOL is the PyMOL Active Control, which makes it possible to display
live molecular content, including PyMOL PSE and PSW files inside of
PowerPoint (on Windows only). Because we are still having trouble
getting this Windows-based com