FYI, for Windows users who like to live "on the edge"...


AxPyMOL is the PyMOL Active Control, which makes it possible to display
live molecular content, including PyMOL PSE and PSW files inside of
PowerPoint (on Windows only).   Because we are still having trouble
getting this Windows-based component to work perfectly (i.e. without
crashing), we are continuing to give away a version of AxPyMOL as a
FREE, but UNSUPPORTED extra capability for use AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Today we posted an updated 1.2r1 version of AxPyMOL designed to work
with PyMOL 1.2 session and show files.  You can download it from:   (file: axpymol-1_2r1-free-090814.msi)


Note that AxPyMOL is currently intended for use inside PowerPoint only,
with external data files stored locally in the same folder as your
presentation.  After installation, use the Control Toolbox -> More
Controls button to select and drag out an AxPyMOL rectangle in your
slide, and then follow the instructions shown onscreen.  The PowerPoint
Control Toolbox can be displayed via the PowerPoint "View" menu ->
Toolbars option.


By the way, one particularly useful aspect of AxPyMOL is that it can
directly read and display .MAE and .MOE files. So, if you use Chemical
Computing Group's M.O.E. or Schrodinger's Maestro, then you should be
able to load and interact with your .MOE and .MAE files directly inside
of PowerPoint using AxPyMOL.  


We need more feedback on how the component works out in the real-world,
so thanks in advance to those of you who try AxPyMOL and report back!





PS.  With Office 2007, in order to retain placeholder images, please
save your presentation in .PPT not .PPTX format.


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