I find it difficult to keep track of all the scenes I create in a
PyMOL session and where they are in the stack. Would it be possible,
at some point, to add a feature that displays numbered thumbnails of
scenes in another window on the desktop?
Sarina Bromberg
(650) 879-1492
> For reasons I don't
> recall at the moment, pymol uses more memory with a pse file than with
> the same objects loaded through a script (you could check the list
> archives for more details if you're curious).
Just FYI: This is an unfortunate unavoidable consequence of the fact
that we use Pyth
One of my tricks is to only show part of the structure at a time, ray
each part individually and the reassemble them in Photoshop. I do this
all the time with the huge multi protein PyMol sessions I have to work
on. It depends on your orientation in the viewer though, be careful to
not cut anyt
select resi 44 (or whatever residue number you'd like)
Click on Display in the menu at the top and click on Sequence On. All of
your chains will appear at the top of the screen. Scroll the gray bar to
the right and click on any of the residues you want to see.
Pankaj Barah wrote:
> with maximum quality. Size of the relevant PyMOL v1.1 file is 100 MB (or
> 31 MB after reducing objects I do not need for the figure production).
If lack of memory is the problem, try loading your scene manually or
through a script instead of using a session file. For reasons I don't
recall a
Michael, play around with the hash_max value, which seem to partially control
how much memory is used during rendering. You can also reduce the quality of
the rendering Display->Quality, that should reduce memory requirements too. I
know you don't want that, but do you really need max quality? F
I have a problem when trying to ray 750,750 a quite large ribosome file
with maximum quality. Size of the relevant PyMOL v1.1 file is 100 MB (or
31 MB after reducing objects I do not need for the figure production).
PyMOL simply crashes under Windows Vista Home Premium as well as under
Dear all:
When I load pymol,I found that I can't type anything in the tcl/tk gui window.
So I can only enter the command in the Pymol viewer. Anyone had the same
problem and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
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I have a superposed 5 protein chains and now I have a superposed coordinate
file. Now I want to mark few specific residues in the chains. How can I do that
using pymol?
Pankaj Barah
Mathematical modelling & Computational Biology Group
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Uppal R