Hi Nick,
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it. mpng just writes
out the frames one after the other, with raytrace_frames set
raytraycing each of them. cache_frames just puts each (rendered) frame
in memory, so Pymol can cycle through them sort of smoothly after all
frames are render
I'm rendering some longer movies that have long sequences of duplicate
frames, eg:
Molecule side view (5 seconds)
Rotate/Zoom (3 seconds)
Another view (5 seconds)
I've noticed that when using the mpng command, these duplicate frames are
rendered, one after another...
Is there a setting I'm miss
Thanks! That works.
In the past I had actually wanted to set solvent radius fairly large,
but had poor luck getting the results I wanted. Now it seems to solve
this particular problem. Go figure.
On May 22, 2007, at 10:53 AM, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
Hi Richard,
What about
Hi Richard,
What about
set solvent_radius,3
That seems to do the trick for me.
On 5/22/07, Richard Gillilan wrote:
In the past I have used PyMol pretty successfully to visualize low-
resolution x-ray solution scattering results in which each "atom" in
a pdb file is actually
In the past I have used PyMol pretty successfully to visualize low-
resolution x-ray solution scattering results in which each "atom" in
a pdb file is actually a large sphere (say 4-6 Angstroms)
representing some density. I would use
>alter , vdw = 6.0
to set the sphere sizes appropriate
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