[PyMOL] MacPyMOL and plugins

2005-02-23 Thread martin peters
Hi all, Setup: (Mac OS X, 10.3.8, 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 256MB RAM, PyMOLX11Hybrid v0.95, MaxPyMOL v0.95) I've created a new plugin and I want it to load on startup. Using PyMOLX11Hybrid or pymol under linux I would simply place the new file in the following directory: /Applications/PyMOLX

Re: [PyMOL] installing pymol in redhat linux 8.0

2005-02-23 Thread Sabuj Pattanayek
I have been trying to install pymol in red hat linux 8.0 using the redhat rpm package for this version. I am getting an error saying "error: Failed dependencies: tkinter >= 2.0.0 is needed by pymol-0.97-1.rh80.py22" How do I get tkinter 2.0.0? http://rpmfind.net is available for all your rpm n

[PyMOL] OS-X question

2005-02-23 Thread Joel Tyndall
Thanks folks, I did have the hybrid version running but I have now installed the Macpymol version which seems a whole lot easier to install, ie it does it itself! Thanks for your help J -- Joel Tyndall, PhD Lecturer National School of Pharmacy University of Otago PO Box 913 Dunedin New Zea

Re: [PyMOL] OS-X question

2005-02-23 Thread Matt Franklin
Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote: Joel Tyndall wrote: I have recently installed pymol on a friends ibook and it all works fine...but there seems to be no external GUI (as seen on PC and Linux versions). Is it missing on OSX or is my install flawed? It does make it a little easier to use for the

Re: [PyMOL] ray

2005-02-23 Thread Christopher Colbert
Hi Kostas, This topic has been covered several times from a resolution stand point. Joel has a nice hint, but be sure to set your viewport to the right aspect ratio before using the ray command. viewport 700, 700 (other pymol commands to make your figure the way you want) ray 2400, 2400 png myf

Re: [PyMOL] OS-X question

2005-02-23 Thread Hanspeter Niederstrasser
Joel Tyndall wrote: I have recently installed pymol on a friends ibook and it all works fine...but there seems to be no external GUI (as seen on PC and Linux versions). Is it missing on OSX or is my install flawed? It does make it a little easier to use for the novice. Did you install the Py

[PyMOL] OS-X question

2005-02-23 Thread Joel Tyndall
Hi folks, I have recently installed pymol on a friends ibook and it all works fine...but there seems to be no external GUI (as seen on PC and Linux versions). Is it missing on OSX or is my install flawed? It does make it a little easier to use for the novice. Cheers Joel -- Joel Tyndall, P

Re: [PyMOL] movie question

2005-02-23 Thread Joel Tyndall
Hi Alexander, That all seems a bit complicated (for me anyway) but the one thing I think your missing is the "util.mroll(1,120,1)" command. There is an example in the user manual pages 50/51 Hope this helps J Alexandra Deaconescu wrote: Hello: I am trying to generate a movie ( a 360 degr

Re: [PyMOL] ray

2005-02-23 Thread Joel Tyndall
Hi Kostas, I tghink generally 300 dpi is sufficient for publication but you can ray trace to any sort of resolution and then down size your graphic. See posts on High end graphics but this should help *To get 4in by 4in figure @600dpi ray 2400, 2400* * * *Then png picture.png Then resize

[PyMOL] movie question

2005-02-23 Thread Alexandra Deaconescu
Hello: I am trying to generate a movie ( a 360 degree rotation around the y axis) using the mset and mdo commands. I can play the animation alright in Pymol, but when I am trying to save it as either a Quicktime file or a series of pngs (that I would like to create an animation of in ImageRead

[PyMOL] installing pymol in redhat linux 8.0

2005-02-23 Thread V. Chandran
I have been trying to install pymol in red hat linux 8.0 using the redhat rpm package for this version. I am getting an error saying "error: Failed dependencies: tkinter >= 2.0.0 is needed by pymol-0.97-1.rh80.py22" How do I get tkinter 2.0.0? Thanks, Vidya.

[PyMOL] ray

2005-02-23 Thread Kostas Tripsianes
Dear PyMolers I am about to write a paper and I want your suggestions for the pictures I am going to make. First of all I will use white background and the structure is a NMR one. So I need to display the backbone of the ensemble and the rest pictureswill be cartoons and sticks mainly. I want t