Hi all,
I posted a few days ago about a screen problem I was having. In short
form it was that the color map was getting screwed up when trying to
drive an external monitor (though that was not specified in the
original note), even with mirroring, even with all possible
combinations of color
Dear Pymolers,
I've read on pymol-users mail list
(http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1804599) that it
is now possible for pymol to read directly mol2 files. This would be
really handy for me, since I'd like to use pymol to directly read GOLD
output without having to conv
Making movies in MacOS X:
Not to forget QuickTime Pro which can do the same from numbered .png files
the best graphics conversion program for the Mac in the entire universe
from http://www.lemkesoft.com $30-35 (you can try before you buy). Converts
just about any image format
> In
> powerpoint you can create what is called a hyperlink to pymol, and then
> you can just load in your macro (pml script) and your movie starts
> playing embedded in powerpoint.
This is great news!
(I've already wondered if we need something to embed Word and Powerpoint *into*