Hi all,
I posted a few days ago about a screen problem I was having. In short
form it was that the color map was getting screwed up when trying to
drive an external monitor (though that was not specified in the
original note), even with mirroring, even with all possible
combinations of color profile settings, and even at relatively low
I am doing this on a 400 MHz G3 Powerbook, which has 8 (non-upgradable)
I have seen a couple of flaky behaviors before which probably relate to
this limitation in hardware, though for all but a couple of things,
including PyMOL, driving an external display generally works fine.
None the less, this problem potentially restricts my ability to use
PyMOL interactively in presentations.
Warren came up with a fix that seems to be working!
Thus, instead of writing back to him alone with thanks for his time, I
thought I would post this
fix for others who may encounter the same problem, and save him having
to answer this query in the future (or at least reduce that load).
And I quote ...
I have an idea: try disabling display caching
set cache_display=0
I added this to a script and all seems to be well. I will let you know
if that changes.
Thanks again
Kersey Black Joint Science
Professor of Chemistry Claremont Colleges