Hi all,
I'm working with class inheritance and run into a problem with a node
including two child classes of the same parent class. The two child
classes use the plusignment operator to append to the 'subscrube'
metaparm of the same resource in the parent class.
The error is:
err: Could not retr
As Nigel indicated, the exit code for your init script is not what
puppet expects, it is not a file permission problem.
As Nigel suggested, shut down your service then run this:
/etc/init.d/zabbix_agent start ; echo $?
And tell us what number is printed on the screen. If it prints 1, that
etc/init.d/zabbix_agent start ; echo $?
> Starting Zabbix agent: zabbix_agentd
> 0
> By the way, this specific client is a lenny 5.05
> On 30 sep, 16:28, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> > As Nigel indicated, the exit code for your init script is not what
> >
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:217:in `benchmark'
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb:66:in
> `compile'
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb:21:in `find'
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb:210:in `find
Hi all,
I'm trying to do something that should be pretty simple but can't
figure it out.
I want to append a line to /etc/pam.d/sshd if a line with a certain
module doesn't exist.
What I would like to work is this:
augeas { sshd_pam_mkhomedir:
context => "/files/etc/pam.d/sshd",
to use an exec type to do it). I'll try ask the Augeas community and
come back with what they say.
On Oct 4, 7:31 pm, Rob McBroom wrote:
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 12:00 PM, luke.bigum wrote:
> > changes => [
> > "set *[module = 'pam_mkhomedir.so']/t
"set 100/module pam_mkhomedir.so",
> "set 100/argument umask=0022"],
> onlyif => "match
> *[type='session'][module='pam_mkhomedir.so'][argument='umask=0022']
> size == 0"
Thought I'd just post some manifest code for what people have already
described to give you some ideas.
The following is a parameterised class where you can either use the
site default, or pass in any version of Puppet you want:
class puppet($request_version = "") {
#everything needs common!
What you'll probably want is the tagged() function, not defined().
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but defined() is useful for checking
if types or classes exist ("are known about") but does not check
whether a class is DECLARED - there's a difference. Note the
documentation sentence "This is us
Hi guys,
Is there any functionality to negate or uninclude a class so as to
stop it's resources being declared? I'm thinking along the lines of
having some classes included by default, but in very select
circumstances to not include it. For example, LDAP auth on all servers
except the actual LDAP
types; one to fix an
existing entry and one to add an entry if it doesn't exist.
There's a feature request to support conditionals in the Augeas type
here: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2696
On Oct 5, 12:21 pm, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> Tim,
> Thanks a lot, I nev
Hi list,
I was thinking of using a Tidy resource to clean up old reports on
puppet master servers but it doesn't seem to like it:
[r...@puppet-master-01 ~]# puppetd --test --noop
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Caching catalog for puppet-master-01.fasthosts.net.uk
err: /Stage[main]/Fh_puppet::Maste
Hi all,
I'm having a stupid moment getting a remote file bucket working. My
client only file buckets locally, not remotely.
I have this site.pp:
filebucket { "main": server => "puppet" }
File { backup => "main" }
node 'default' {
include test
and this test module:
Sorry should have said that. 2.6.2 client and server running on CentOS
5. Stock CentOS ruby (1.8.5), server runs via Passenger and Ruby
Enterprise 1.8.7.
On Oct 19, 4:58 pm, James Turnbull wrote:
> luke.bigum wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm having a stupid moment getti
That was meant to read "Clients run stock CentOS ruby (1.8.5), server
runs via Passenger and Ruby Enterprise 1.8.7."
On Oct 19, 5:02 pm, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> Sorry should have said that. 2.6.2 client and server running on CentOS
> 5. Stock CentOS ruby (1.8.5), server r
Not that I've been able to see, James, though I'd put money on that
I've probably missed something so ridiculously simple that I can't see
it. I've attached the client and Webrick master debug logs - the
Master's Report http error at the end can be ignored, it's because
Apache is shut down on the b
Your $6$s95t93Ou$FWCF9kHO4 isn't being evaluated as a variable is it?
Try enclose the password crypt in single quotes ''.
On Oct 26, 9:35 am, Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:
> Consider the following manifest snippet:
> user { "foo":
> ensure => present,
> managehome => true,
If you're a not too bad on the command line, you could generate lists
of your classes and nodes, then write a quick script to generate SQL
to insert directly into the dashboard DB - the DB schema is quite
simple. I do this to classify nodes into class groups - not because I
use Dashboad as an exter
On Nov 2, 2:26 pm, Joel Merrick wrote:
> Hi Puppeteers!
> I've just been speaking to Ohad on #theforeman about package
> management, specifically about generating lists of packages : version
> numbers across the estate for things like patch management.
> DISCLAIMER: I'm new to puppet!
> Wh
? I seem to
> experience it as well.
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Roman
> On Oct 20, 2:31 am, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm having a stupid moment getting a remote file bucket working. My
> > client only file
I've seen the same issue as well. I just tested then, adding a simple
notify resource to a node and it took three consecutive runs of
puppetd before the message appeared:
# puppetd --test
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Caching catalog for puppet-master-01
info: Applying configuration version '12893
Hi list,
When declaring multiple resources at once with an array like this:
file { [ "foo", "bar" ]: ... }
Is there a way to access the current array element so as to pass this
value as a parameter? So the "foo" resource has a parameter value
"foo" and "bar" with a parameter value "bar"?
This i
Try rename:
so it matches the name of your class.
On Nov 11, 8:54 am, Leonko wrote:
> Hello. I use puppet 2.6.3-rc2
> Now I try move my classes to modules.
> But I got a problem that Puppet does not sees modules.
> in puppet.conf:
> [main]
> l
Does anyone know if this document is up to date (besides the comment
at the top saying it's not):
Or does anyone who has a load balanced multi puppet master with some
kind of shared CA confirm that the procedure
Excellent, thanks for that Dan I'll take a look.
On Nov 11, 5:42 pm, Dan Bode wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:17 AM, luke.bigum wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Does anyone know if this document is up to date (besides the comment
> >
Hi Sanjiv,
This *should* not happen. Puppet will not restart a service if it's
already running properly. I'm going to guess that the problem is
Puppet does not KNOW that Tomcat is running properly and so thinks it
needs to restart Tomcat every run.
Does your Tomcat LSB/init script (/etc/init.d/to
Hi Andy,
That looks like the mysql RPM with version 5.0.77-4.el5_5.3 no longer
exists in your Yum repository and it's been replaced by
If you want fine grained control of your RPMs with Puppet you'll also
need to manage your own Yum repo and make sure you control what goes
in, b
That fixes the problem, my remote file bucket now works. I'll raise a
bug for this.
On Nov 18, 11:23 pm, Felix Frank
> On 09.11.2010 10:33, luke.bigum wrote:
> > Roman,
> > Not that I know of. I'm still aware it doesn
Hi Walexey,
Can you post the augeas resource that you've got so far?
On Nov 19, 12:50 pm, walexey wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> How can i create with puppet following sudoers file:
> User_Alias CENTREON=apache,nagios
> CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* restart
The sudoers tree is pretty complex, you've got four possible 'key
nodes' of information to match on: user, host, command and tag. This
is an augeas match line for all four key nodes (command changed to
something without asterisks for readability):
match /files/etc/sudoers/spec[user="CENTREON"]/hos
Hi Rudy,
I'm not sure if you fixed this yet, but I ran into the same problem
using grep in an unless parameter of an exec resource.
I went looking through the Ruby code, in /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/
puppet/type/exec.rb on line 571. I changed these four lines:
unless FileTest.executable?
hange /etc/freetds.conf version]:
Could not evaluate: 'grep' is not executable
Can't spot any difference in the environments so far.
On Dec 9, 4:42 pm, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> Hi Rudy,
> I'm not sure if you fixed this yet, but I ran into the same probl
the wrong commands being executed based on the
CWD of Puppet.
I've raised a bug for this: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5495
On Dec 9, 6:17 pm, Patrick wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2010, at 9:14 AM, luke.bigum wrote:
> > Interesting, I've noticed that puppet runs triggered f
> > This doesn't appear to affect the actual execution of commands, so
> > don't be worried about the wrong commands being executed based on the
> > CWD of Puppet.
> Except it might be. Puppet might have been trying to execute the file and
> then failing because the permissions were 644 instead
Hi John,
I've used the following stack from recommendations on this list,
random blogs, etc and have had zero problems with it on CentOS. I use
Ruby Enterprise though. I've heard of other people using later
versions of Passenger but from my point of view if it isn't broken,
don't fix it :)
On Dec 14, 3:15 am, "russell.fulton" wrote:
> I now have my service status command that does a kill -0 on all the
> pid and return 1 if all the processes are running. I have this class/
> service definition:
That might be a typo in what you've written above but your script
should be
> I believe most people are bound to write this define sooner or later:
> define my_file() {
> file { "$name":
> source => "puppet:///files/$name",
> }
> It's a bit trickier to add support for all of file's options, but once
> that's in, it's a huge advantage.
I use a similar define I
That github link doesn't work for me so don't know the internals of
this module, but if the module is called "rsync", as indicated by this
module path: /etc/puppet/modules/rsync/, then any sub classes of that
should be in the rsync namespace... Are you sure it's not supposed to
be rsync::rsyncd?
he rsyncd
module and will cause a multiple declaration error.
My recommendation is to write a better module yourself, you'll learn
more that way :)
Hope this helps,
On Dec 16, 9:58 am, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> That github link doesn't work for me so don't kn
Nigel's Virtual Resources is one way, this is another using only
You can put the base software in classes of their own and include
these in your 'server classes'. Classes can be included multiple times
on a node without causing errors.
You'll want something that looks like:
class jre-jc
node in this exact
example would cause compile problems, but hopefully it illustrates my
idea :)
On Dec 17, 4:32 pm, Stefan Schulte
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 07:46:29AM -0800, luke.bigum wrote:
> > Nigel's Virtual Resources is one way, this is another using only
> > clas
Hi Brian,
On Jan 5, 4:31 am, Brian Pitts wrote:
> I'm curious how people handle the following situation in their node
> definitions- you have a default configuration of a service that you want
> on all of your servers except for the servers that have a more specific
> configuration. For example,
Hi list,
Reading the thread "can a class require an other class?" it's been
mentioned that perhaps one way forward for the Puppet language is to
phase out the include keyword in favour of parametrised classes. I'm
thinking of my Puppet and the several levels of include chaining I use
and I'm wonde
O I see :) Thanks Felix that makes a lot of sense.
I somehow got it in my head that people were managing to replace the
include keyword by passing parameters to classes, rather than just
using the parametrised class syntax, something like:
class["puppetmaster"] { $common, $puppet, $ldap_auth,
> I created the tree /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/ and created an
> init.pp with this content:
> class ntp {
> package { "ntp": ensure => installed }
> service { "ntpd": ensure => stopped }
> }
Hi Jonathan,
How do you know the client isn't doing what you told it if ther
> Hmm, no luck using ntp::ntp instead of ntp. The problem seems to be in
> importing rather than including. I tried using ntp, ntp::ntp, and the
> full path /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp.
> It always fails with:
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERV
Hi all,
A question for those familiar with the internal Puppet APIs: is it
possible to access the name and type of the Puppet resource/define
that "called" a template from within that template? There was talk on
the list a year ago that mentions "scope.compiler.catalog.vertices",
but this is a lis
Hi Arnau,
Your module folder name is called 'common_puppet' but you're class is
called 'common_puppet_conf'.
Option 1, rename the common_puppet class to common_puppet_conf, as
according to your grep, the only class inside common_puppet/init.pp is
"class common_puppet_conf". The class definition i
On Jan 13, 2:34 pm, Arnau Bria wrote:
> > Option 2, move the class declaration of common_puppet_conf out of
> > init.pp and into common_puppet_conf.pp in the same directory, then you
> > should be able to do this (note the use of the namespace
> > common_puppet, which is your module name):
> > i
Hi Adam,
Shame you can't use LDAP or NIS ;) But anyway...
Let me give you one of my working examples of virtual resources and
hopefully it'll give you an idea on how to solve your problem. I've
got Yum repos as virtual resources. Now I don't want every Yum repo on
every server, so I've got a 'yum
On Jan 13, 7:04 pm, Daniel Pittman wrote:
> Luke, I don't see a CLA for you (but I confess that I am new at the
> process of checking that, so please forgive me if you have one already
> and I messed up.)
> This change isn't huge, but it would be nice to get a CLA for you –
> especially because
On Jan 24, 4:51 pm, sbb wrote:
> class { "repos": stage => pre; }
I don't think Dashboard has native support for run levels of classes,
so you might have to do something like:
class repos_pre {
class { "repos": stage => pre; }
and then assign repos_pre to your nodes in Dashboard.
Hi Robert,
Yes, you shouldn't need to delete $ssldir on the Master. I'll reply to
you fully tomorrow (or someone on American time can this evening). The
error itself is strange (TLS handshake?) but describing what you've
done I'd think you'd have a certificate / hostname mismatch problem.
Have a
It's a single point of failure, but I have the Puppet Masters NFS
mount their modules and manifests from another host. Rsync out of cron
would be all right if you are fine with your Puppet Masters being
potentially out of sync for short periods of time. If you use SVN or
some other RCS then you cou
Hi Adriana,
Can you paste the output of:
puppetd --test --noop --evaltrace
cat /var/lib/puppet/classes.txt
and your node definition for the host 'pc001'.
On Jan 26, 1:19 pm, Adriana wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed puppet on the machine that is supposed to be the
> puppet serve
Hi Kevin,
Are you stuck on anything specifically? Do you have an existing single
Puppet-Master-and-CA with signed client certs? I've done a migration
from a single master/ca to separate CA with IP load balanced masters
(not RR DNS balanced) following Dan's blog post about creating certs
with Cert
£10 says we're all missing something really obvious and we'll kick
ourselves afterwards ;)
Adriana, just confirm that in your puppet master's puppet.conf that
you generated with "puppetd --genconfig":
manifest = /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
That's what comes up for my version of Puppet (2.6.3).
ithout hope...I don't know..
> On Jan 26, 4:38 pm, "luke.bigum" wrote:
> > £10 says we're all missing something really obvious and we'll kick
> > ourselves afterwards ;)
> > Adriana, just confirm that in your puppet master's pup
Hi Jed,
On Feb 8, 4:54 pm, Jed wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to have a bank of puppet servers that will be be fronted by a
> load balancer(anything such as apache proxy, or passenger..etc), these
> server banks will be the puppet masters for our internal dev/stg/prod
> environments/servers, as well
Hi list,
Before I raise a feature request, is there a way to force the name of
the .repo file a yumrepo is created in? By default if no existing repo
exists, the file name that gets created for it is $name.repo. It would
be nice if you could specify the file name, for example on CentOS
systems you
Hi list (specifically Dan),
I was interested in the snippet you provided in the recent thread
"Collection and Realizing resources" and how it could be used to
safely include both 'app' and 'db' class without causing a conflict in
the user 'bob'. I can't quite see how that's possible, even using
On Feb 22, 7:55 pm, Kent wrote:
> I don't want to use a File resource or templates, as we do for most
> everything else. I considered augeas and have played around with it a
> bit, but in so many cases it is clumsy and a little dangerous, i.e.
> items in config files are often referenced by file l
On Feb 24, 5:28 pm, cyrus wrote:
> Hi:
> Using augeas, how do you add a comment to the beginning of a file. I
> know you can use ins but you need to specify a path to insert before
> or after. In my case I can't with 100% certainty say I will no what
> the first line.
Hi Cyrus,
I posted some A
On Feb 28, 7:50 pm, Luis Miguel Silva
> Dear all,
> I'm a software integrator and i'm currently evaluating Puppet to
> understand how we can potentially integrate our products with it.
> I've been reading documentation on it and i'm currently installing a
> Puppet system but i have some q
Hi Russell,
I remember asking this a while ago and I don't think you can. In your
specific example, if it's pasted verbatim then you don't actually need
to inherit, as it doesn't look like your overriding any resources in
postgresql::base. Once something's declared, you can't "undo" it.
You could
Puppet will not do anything you don't tell it to do. Try think of it
more along the lines of your modules and manifests describing how a
server should be and only how it should be. So if you don't tell it
NOT to be something, it's just going to ignore anything else that
exists on the system - this
66 matches
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