> I believe most people are bound to write this define sooner or later:
> define my_file() {
>   file { "$name":
>     source => "puppet:///files/$name",
> }
> It's a bit trickier to add support for all of file's options, but once
> that's in, it's a huge advantage.

I use a similar define I shamelessly copied from someone else. Pasted
below in case it benefits others:

#Copy a file from the Puppet master.
#A good idea sourced from http://narrabilis.com/mybook/puppet/functions.pp
#Basically it's a little wrapper for the file type that's used to copy
#a file from the puppet master. 'module' and 'path' are the only
#  - path    The path to the source file to copy as relative to
modules/<module name>/files/.
#  - module  The name of the module to copy the file from.
#  - mode    Parameter passed directly to File type.
#  - owner   Parameter passed directly to File type.
#  - group   Parameter passed directly to File type.
#  - ensure  Parameter passed directly to File type.
define remotefile($path, $module, $owner = root, $group = root, $mode
= 0644, $ensure = present) {
  file { $name:
    ensure  => $ensure,
    mode    => $mode,
    owner   => $owner,
    group   => $group,
    source  => "puppet:///modules/$module/$path",

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