[Puppet Users] Can't get puppetdb work with foreman/puppet

2015-10-12 Thread em
Hi, I have a foreman/puppet installation (done with foreman-installer) running on ubuntu 14. I was using it for a while already, with about 40 hosts, using the 'role/profile' approach to classify the nodes. Which means that I have only one role per node, and the role calls different profiles.

[Puppet Users] puppet + puppetdb: No Catalog received

2015-10-27 Thread em
Hi, I have a running puppet installation (version 3.8.3) I installed and configured a puppetdb node (2.3.8 with postgresql). Configured puppet master to user the new puppetdb node. When I run puppet agent from any of the nodes I get a 'Invalid relationship Class doesn't seem to be in the cat

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet + puppetdb: No Catalog received

2015-10-27 Thread em
Hi Ken, The actual error is: # puppet agent -t Info: Retrieving pluginfacts Info: Retrieving plugin Info: Loading facts Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid relationship: Apt::Source[puppetlabs] { notify => Class[apt::update] }, because Class[apt::up

Re: [Puppet Users] puppet + puppetdb: No Catalog received

2015-10-27 Thread em
Sorry, I was missing one 'upper/lower case' Class. I fixed all of them and now it's working. thanks! :) On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 1:43:03 PM UTC+1, em wrote: > > Hi Ken, > > The actual error is: > # puppet agent -t > Info: Retrieving pluginfacts > Inf