This seems like a pretty simple thing but I can't figure out why this is
throwing a warning.
I'm using puppet 4.8.1 installed from the puppetlabs-pc1 on scientific
linux 6.
# puppet -V
# rpm -q puppet-agent
My file is as simple as I can make it:
Hi there,
I recently did an upgrade from puppetserver 2.7.2 to puppetserver 5.0 and
performance has bottomed out pretty terribly. Agents and puppetdb also got
updated. Compiling the catalog on the server used to take 10-20 seconds,
now they are taking 90-150 seconds and agent runs are taking 30
Thanks for your help.
On 10/01/18 06:36, Matthaus Owens wrote:
> Chris,
> To better help you, it would be great to know a few more things about
> your installation. First question: are you running puppetserver 5.0.0
> or something later in the 5.x series (and is it the same on all
> servers)?
On 11/01/18 08:41, Matthaus Owens wrote:
> Chris,
> Good to know that PuppetDB isn't the cause here. One thing worth doing
> on your servers is moving forward to Puppet-agent 5.3.2. There was a
> performance regression in Puppet 5
> https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-8009 around
> interna
On 11/01/18 09:42, Poil wrote:
> Hey,
> Are you sure that you have environment cache enabled on your Puppet5
> installation ? (because x10 is what we have here when we disable it)
No, that's not enabled at the moment (it wasn't before either). I'm
working on setting that up, I did a test run an
ring if you got any further in figuring this out. I'd be
> happy to try to help debug some more if you need as well.
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 10:39 PM, Chris Smith wrote:
>> On 11/01/18 09:42, Poil wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Are you sure that you have