On 11/01/18 08:41, Matthaus Owens wrote:
> Chris,
> Good to know that PuppetDB isn't the cause here. One thing worth doing
> on your servers is moving forward to Puppet-agent 5.3.2. There was a
> performance regression in Puppet 5
> https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-8009 around
> internationalization and modules (something like 30% in some cases).
> You might also need to set `disable_i18n=true` in the [master] section
> of your puppet.conf.

Nice find, thanks for that.

> To see what puppetserver is doing and how long it takes you can set
> `profile=true` in the [master] section of puppet.conf (I would
> recommend only doing this on one of your servers, as it will generate
> a lot of log output per puppet run). The profiling results will be
> logged at the info level to
> /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.log, so you could then
> inspect the timing of different parts of the agent lifecycle.

Awesome, thanks - I'll give that a shot.


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