We've been successful with software deployments and Puppet has done a
great job. We deploy to Tomcat, JBoss, Coldfusion and Apache web
sited. In some cases we've needed to tie in a shell script which were
nearly impossible to get right in Puppet. One of the keys to your
question was that
Nan - that is an interesting approach to call Puppet from Puppet.
I'll have to give that a try and experiment.
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I believe your issue is that your grep command will ALWAYS return 0
since it will see it's one process in the process list. You must add
a second grep to ignore it. Try the following:
unless => "/bin/ps -aux |/usr/bin/grep '/data/service'
| grep -v grep"
You received
And adding to Craig's comment, you should "sudo su -" to root in order
to run the service script in same fashion as Puppet will. Sometimes
the user environment is setup differently (i.e. JAVA_HOME).
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The Fact will get downloaded ahead of the manifest being compiled.
You just need to add a require => Service[myservice] to the config
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Case 1:
I have gone to a model where I have a manifests/conf directory akin
to /etc which contains the configuration for each service and
application. In your case I would have a zabbix_conf class and in the
node, I would simple reference the var $zabbix_conf::server_ip.
The beauty of this is my
Hey John,
I've been using environments quite some time with lots of success. I
love the idea of creating a bootstrap environment which I never
thought of.
This gave me an idea to address an issue I'm trying to tackle. A
client s using Puppet for their app setup/deployment. We provide the
You can also use the ralsh command where the user is created as long
as puppet is installed. The command will spit out the complete user
ralsh user student
Also, make sure the password is in single quotes so $ doesn't get
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It doesn't sound safe since it sounds like you don't alway install the
class. I would lean towards a configuratios class that you can
reference to determine if it is or will be installed. I would pass in
that value as a parameter to the backup class instead on internally
referencing across class
You could creat a fact that returns the version number of the package
installed. Then in the configuration file use Boolean logic to set
values and blocks of the config file templates accordingly. Note that
there is a puppet function you will need to compare the version
strings however I don't kn
Thanks for that in-depth feedback. It was great and something to chew
on. I'm going to need to evaluate the integrity risk to the isolation
requirements of the client to see which practice makes most sense. I
do agree that the addition module approach would add to the
It occ
I have done some further experimenting and found things even more
perplexing. The rule is now just adding the new values that I need. The
rule is:
augeas { "dkim-postfix-settings":
require => Package["postfix"],
context => "/files/etc/postfix/",
Thanks Patrick!
I like the separation of the values being set and adding the comments. That
makes complete sense.
As for the over-writing of the values, you were absolutely right. The was being managed by a different class that another Ops engineer had
implemented and I was unaware of.
I am in the process of upgrading a Tomcat module to support version 7. As
such I copied one of the template files and made the slightest change to
the filename, from etc-initd-tomcat6 to etc-initd-tomcat7. The permissions
and ownership on the files are identical however when invoking Puppet it
Solved the issue. It was simply that I was referencing source instead of
template in the File resource. The pre-existing code had scripts in both
the files and templates directories, which I didn't realize. I copied the
file in the templates directory instead of files. Such a rookie mistake...
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