Case 1:

I have gone to a model where I have a manifests/conf directory akin
to /etc which contains the configuration for each service and
application.  In your case I would have a zabbix_conf class and in the
node, I would simple reference the var $zabbix_conf::server_ip.

The beauty of this is my clients know to just go to the conf dir to
make config changes.

Case 2:

I run into this one often and simply get around it with a defined

if ! defined File[/foo] { file { ...} }

In some other situations I use virtual resources such as for
application/services users.  I again have a Conf file that defines the
resource and later realize it.

class users {
   @user { 'jboss': ....}

Then in various places I can safely instanciate the resource:

realize users::user['jboss']

Case 3:

A) utilize storedconfigs.

B) create a function that is called by the node on each update which
writes to the puppet file server directory.  The dynamic content can
be passed to the function using the template or inline_template



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