The documentation at:
Starting with version 0.25, selectors now support regular expressions:
$owner = $operatingsystem ? {
/(redhat|debian)/ => "bin",
default => undef,
In this last example, if $operat
I'm using puppet-0.24.8-4.el5 on CentOS 5.4.
My problem is yumrepo isn't writing the "name=" field to the
repository files which causes yum to complain with the error:
Repository 'local-CentOS-5.4-x86_64' is missing name in configuration,
using id
I get this behavior on all of my yumrepo definit
While the new documentation site is "pretty", I agree with the other
posts that the font is way too big. I'm using Firefox 3.5.6 in Fedora
12. I find the new documentation site to take much longer to
navigate, both between pages and on a page. The load times are fine,
the layout is in my opinion