While the new documentation site is "pretty", I agree with the other
posts that the font is way too big.  I'm using Firefox 3.5.6 in Fedora
12.  I find the new documentation site to take much longer to
navigate, both between pages and on a page.  The load times are fine,
the layout is in my opinion is highly inefficient and the same
information that existed in the old wiki is much more spread out.

I only took the time to find this thread because the old pages were
damaged by the change.

For example:

The old wiki page looks like it did yesterday:

But the type reference page redirects out of the wiki to an ugly and
older archived version:  (all of the nagios types are flooding the
document again)

I would be very happy if we could get the same copy of that page back
that we had earlier this week.  The old wiki is much more efficient
for me to navigate.

I appreciate your effort on the new documentation site.

On Jan 14, 11:28 am, Teyo Tyree <t...@reductivelabs.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> For sometime now, we have being considering how to improve on the current
> Puppet documentation available in the existing wiki.  We knew that we needed
> to provide some curated documentation and that some of the curated
> documentation would be directly sourced from the wiki.  We also wanted to
> encourage community engagement in the maintenance of the new documentation,
> because we believe strongly that community involvement makes better
> documentation.
> Bruce Williams took the time to migrate some of the current wiki pages into
> our new documentation format.  He also setup the infrastructure to maintain
> the docs.  Basically, we are storing the documents in a public git repo and
> treating the documentation just like any other community project.  This
> serves two essential purposes.  Firstly, Reductive Labs will play an active
> roll in shepherding the documentation.  This is not unlike the roll we
> currently play in managing our other projects.  Secondly, we hope that this
> will be a nice way for new community members to become familiar with our bug
> reporting and contribution processes.
> We have moved the following documentation over to the new
> docs.reductivelabs.com location:
> http://docs.reductivelabs.com/guides/introduction.htmlhttp://docs.reductivelabs.com/guides/installation.htmlhttp://docs.reductivelabs.com/references
> Notice that the reference documentation is now archived for older releases.
> We know that this it is not yet comprehensive documentation but it is a
> start.  If you would like to contribute or provide feedback, we have
> outlined that process as well.
> http://docs.reductivelabs.com/contribute.html
> For the time being, the old wiki will remain essentially unchanged.  We will
> gradually move appropriate content into docs.   We will continue to provide
> a wiki for community documentation.  We just believe that there is room for
> curated documentation as well. We expect that wiki documentation will be a
> place where the community develops new documentation that once vetted may be
> appropriate for the docs.  Or a place for detailed "how to" style docs about
> a specific aspect of configuration management.  As always, your feedback is
> encouraged.
> Cheers,
> Teyo
> --
> Teyo Tyree ::www.reductivelabs.com:: +1.615.275.5066

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