Thats what i thought.. many thanks for the info Rob!
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Hi Matthaus,
My hostname is misleading. I upgraded at the time of posting to Ubuntu
15.10. Now I have upgraded to 16.04.
I ran the command you suggested instead of service puppetserver start and I
don't see OutOfMemory errors process.
root@jim-Ubuntu1504:~# ps -aef|grep -i puppet|grep -v grep
The 'XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p' in the process list doesn't indicate
that puppet server is out of memory, it is a Java flag that tells Java what
to do if puppet server hits an outofmemory error. The output you have
pasted looks totally normal to me.
On Monday, May 30, 2016, Jim
According to the puppet language resource guide
If a resource expression includes more than one resource body, the
expression will declare multiple resources of that resource type. (A
resource body is a title
Maybe you can regroup each item with the same configuration, like this:
$file_system_list = [‘/’,’/home’,’/opt’]
$file_system_list.each | String $file_system| {
file {“$file_system”:
ensure => ‘directory’,
owner => ‘root’,
group => ‘root’
Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne:
Thanks for the response. I'm trying to work my way into iteration a bit
slower than my fourth manifest :) If all else fails, I'm pretty sure I can
set up separate file resource declarations; but, this multiple resource
bodies, in this case, seems like this is cleaner.
Doug O'Lea
On 30/05/16 19:09, dkoleary wrote:
According to the puppet language resource guide
If a resource expression includes more than one resource body, the
expression will declare multiple resources of that resource
I would be willing to bet '/' is somewhat special and may be the problem.
I've never actually tried to manage the root of the FS directly and I think
the need to may indicate some more significant issues than puppet should be
You could also look at pl_training/dirtree, which lets you man
On 27/05/16 12:59, Rob Nelson wrote:
IME you definitely won't have issues with 3.7.2 agents talking to a
3.8.5 master.
When you are ready to move to puppet 4, however, the upgrade docs
say that the agents should all hit 3.8 before you upgrade the master to
4.latest. However, I skipped that step
On 30/05/16 19:45, Rob Nelson wrote:
I would be willing to bet '/' is somewhat special and may be the
problem. I've never actually tried to manage the root of the FS directly
and I think the need to may indicate some more significant issues than
puppet should be handling.
Yes, known problem.
Hello All,
I have 2 client hosts and one puppet masters, I have installed activemq and
mcollective and mcollective-puppet-agent on the client machines, machine 1
is working fine, but machine 2 is not:
mco ping
client1 time=248.11 ms
puppetmaster time=273.24
Thank you all for the information. That was definitely the issue. I'm not
overly worried about '/' so I just took it out - primarily had it in there
for completeness. In nigh on 30 years of admin, I think I've had someone
change the ownership of root maybe twice. Those other directorie
I have root access to the server, which has a monolithic installation of PE
Can someone please provide me with the correct method to alter the
*admin *password,
since I already have it *written *down but it is not working.
Thanks in advance,
Warron French
I hope this helps.
On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 9:39 PM, warron.french
> I have root access to the server, which has a monolithic installation of
> PE installed.
> Can someone please provide me with the correct method
This solution worked for me, thanks. Is there any chance someone could put
this on the Puppet 4 Errata page and/or inform Jo Rhett of this issue? It
doesn't seem to be included as of yet (May 30th, 2016) in the O'Reilly
errata. Thanks...I'll be happy to do it myself, but since I didn't really
On 05/30/2016 07:41 PM, Patrick Ryll wrote:
This solution worked for me, thanks. Is there any chance someone
could put this on the Puppet 4 Errata page and/or inform Jo Rhett of
this issue? It doesn't seem to be included as of yet (May 30th, 2016)
in the O'Reilly errata. Thanks...I'll be h
Finally got some time to look at this
On 24 May 2016 at 11:22, Rob Nelson wrote:
> I wrote some articles on using Git with puppet and r10k. It's a little out
> of date in the referenced versions of puppet and r10k, so check to make sure
> you're using the modern file locations, but otherwis
New install, I am doing this on Centos 6.x
I have installed the repo RPM
I believe this is PC1 repo
yum --disablerepo '*' --enablerepo puppetlabs-pc1 list | grep puppetlabs-pc1
puppet-agent.x86_64 1.5.0-1.el6
18 matches
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