
According to the puppet language resource guide 
at https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_resources_advanced.html:

If a resource expression includes more than one resource body, the 
expression will declare multiple resources of that resource type. (A 
resource body is a title and a set of attributes; each body must be 
separated from the next one with a semicolon.)

With that, can someone take a peek and tell me what I'm messing up with 
this manifest?

file {
    ensure   => 'directory',
    owner    => 'root',
    group    => 'root',

  '/'        : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/home'    : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/opt'     : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/usr'     : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/var'     : mode  => '0755' ;
  '/tmp'     : mode  => '1777' ;
  '/var/tmp' : mode  => '1777' ;

    ensure   => 'file',
    mode     => '0644',
    ensure   => 'file',
    mode     => '0644',

    ensure   => 'file',
    mode     => '0000',

    mode     => '0755',
    recurse  => true,

I'm not seeing the error; but, when I try to apply it, I get:

$ sudo puppet apply ./file.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for node1.olearycomputers.com in environment 
production in 0.04 seconds
Error: Parameter path failed on File[/]: File paths must be fully 
qualified, not '' at 

Any pointers, greatly appreciated.

Doug O'Leary

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