[Puppet Users] Re: useradd Duplicate declaration: Group

2013-08-07 Thread Andreas Dvorak
Thank you very much John, to explain that. My module is working now. But what I tried was to have a list of user outside of the module. I would like to seperate the values of the user from the module. Have you got a hint to do that for me? Best regards, Andreas -- You received this message

Re: [Puppet Users] Increment variable each time a definition is called.

2013-08-07 Thread Jurgen
Douglas Garstang gmail.com> writes: >how can I do this? you ever find a way to do this? I am looking for the same thing. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send

[Puppet Users] Re: node_aws installation problem

2013-08-07 Thread Piotr Jasiulewicz
It's somewhat disappointing that puppet labs expresses commercialism in such a nasty way, just breaking the free stuff and giving you an option to pay for it... will try on a different system and then switch to Chef. Cheers, Piotr W dniu czwartek, 25 lipca 2013 17:35:10 UTC+1 użytkownik Piotr J

[Puppet Users] introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hello everyone, It’s a lovely grey and rainy day here in the Dutch summer, as good a day as any to release a new little project. Its name is Puppetboard and has as aim to replace Puppet Dashboard’s reporting functionality. It does not nor will it include ENC features. It does all this with

Re: [Puppet Users] Increment variable each time a definition is called.

2013-08-07 Thread jcbollinger
On Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:52:06 AM UTC-5, Jurgen wrote: > > Douglas Garstang gmail.com> writes: > > >how can I do this? > > > > you ever find a way to do this? I am looking for the same thing. > > The values of Puppet variables cannot be changed once set. If you somehow found a way aro

[Puppet Users] Re: useradd Duplicate declaration: Group

2013-08-07 Thread jcbollinger
On Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:10:56 AM UTC-5, Andreas Dvorak wrote: > > Thank you very much John, to explain that. > My module is working now. > > But what I tried was to have a list of user outside of the module. I would > like to seperate the values of the user from the module. Have you got

[Puppet Users] Re: introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Klavs Klavsen
It seems very cool. Thank you for sharing. One thing that I would be missing, before being able to switch (as gathered from screenshots - I haven't tested it yet :) - is the overview of failed, unreported and unresponsive hosts. Also - there would need to be a way to query this - just as I curre

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Windows Issue: Package ensure: change from absent to present failed

2013-08-07 Thread Michael Lück
Hi, don't know if it helps you too, but this post https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/puppet-users/Ll1VIWSbmO8 helped me when i got that error. I just replaced the forward-slashes in the source attribute by double backslashes and i could install the msi. Regards, Michael Am Donnerstag, 18.

[Puppet Users] puppet-3.2.2 server not working - my 2.7.22 does

2013-08-07 Thread Klavs Klavsen
Hi, I've setup a new puppet 3.2.2 server - next to my current 2.7.22 server. When I connect with a client against it (changed puppet.conf to use the new server), then it removes facts and all (and runs no rules) - but it doesn't complain anywhere - not on the new puppetmaster either :( I'm hop

[Puppet Users] Puppetdb install from sources

2013-08-07 Thread Joffrey Koenig
Hi everyone I'm currently trying to install Puppetdb on my puppet master server (on Suse 11 SP2 64bits) using the Source methodand I can't figure out why it is not working. It's seems to be stuck at the begining of the rake inst

Re: [Puppet Users] How to manage third-party module?

2013-08-07 Thread JuanBrein
Hi Faifel, this is the way I like to organize my modues: modules/$environment/$type where $environment usually is one of dev qa stg and prd and type is one of base common and roles. So in a typical configuration it would be something like: modules/dev/common modules/dev/base modules/dev/ro

[Puppet Users] Re: Newbie: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER

2013-08-07 Thread jcbollinger
On Tuesday, August 6, 2013 5:29:32 PM UTC-5, Dan M wrote: > > In a simplified form, the issue occurs when "include" statement appears in > the script. > For instance, below script executes just fine without . > It still runs on the Master node (with warnings) with but > fails on Agent node: >

[Puppet Users] Re: introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi Klavs, Thanks, I'll think about that. An API that could be used for notifications and such was already on my mind. Unfortunately I don't think I can currently ask PuppetDB for the statistics you mention but perhaps that can be added to PuppetDB. As far as notifying about failed runs through

[Puppet Users] Re: Installing Puppet Agent on Solaris without root privileges

2013-08-07 Thread jcbollinger
On Tuesday, August 6, 2013 5:10:04 PM UTC-5, Ken Weiss wrote: > > Can anyone point me to a procedure to install only the Puppet Agent on a > Solaris 10 system for which I do not have root access? Everything I have > found online involves using pkgadd and/or pkgutil, both of which require > roo

[Puppet Users] node definition too big in mutualized hosting context

2013-08-07 Thread mezcalito38
Hi, I use puppet to manage servers in a mutualized hosting context and I get some trouble concerning the node definitions. For example on dns nodes I have to declare many `bind::zone` resources like this: bind::zone { ['website1.com']: expire => 604800, minimum => 3600, ttl => 38400, …

Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetdb install from sources

2013-08-07 Thread Ken Barber
Lein is probably trying to retrieve clojure/java related jars from the internet. You should probably look at setting up your server to utilise a proxy server and have Lein use that, its going to be far easier than trying to download everything manually, I assure you. ken. On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 1

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet first run timing out

2013-08-07 Thread jcbollinger
On Tuesday, August 6, 2013 3:59:36 PM UTC-5, Cesar Covarrubias wrote: > > I'm working on deploying Puppet to our environment and after reinstalling > some nodes, I run Puppet for the first time. It appears to be updating some > Puppet specific files (see below), and then times out with the erro

Re: [Puppet Users] node definition too big in mutualized hosting context

2013-08-07 Thread Mason Turner
Assuming all the dns servers are getting the same config, We break big chunks like that out into their own modules. So: node dns1.myco.com { include myco::dns } node web1.myco.com { include myco::web } If the servers have different configs, you can make myco::dns::common, myco::dns::this m

[Puppet Users] new install with external ca - puppet agent complains "wrong public key type"

2013-08-07 Thread btb
hi- i'm setting up a new puppet environment, with an existing, separate ca. to that end, i've been referring to this document: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/config_ssl_external_ca.html here is my agent config: [main] vardir = /var/lib/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet logdir =

[Puppet Users] Freebsd + Puppet 3.2.2 pkg_add -f ?

2013-08-07 Thread joel johnston
Shouldn't pkg_add be using the -r option for package management? I worked around by forcing the client to use ports instead, but it stinks. Any thoughts? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and sto

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet first run timing out

2013-08-07 Thread Cesar Covarrubias
I am already using Passenger. My master is still being minimally utilized, as I'm just now beginning the deployment process. In terms of specs, it is running 4 cores and 8GB of mem and 4GB of swap. During a run, the total system usage is no more than 2GB and no swap. No network congestion and I/O i

Re: [Puppet Users] node definition too big in mutualized hosting context

2013-08-07 Thread Ramin K
On 8/7/2013 6:55 AM, mezcalit...@gmail.com wrote: Hi, I use puppet to manage servers in a mutualized hosting context and I get some trouble concerning the node definitions. For example on dns nodes I have to declare many `bind::zone` resources like this: bind::zone { ['website1.com']: expir

[Puppet Users] Re: node_aws installation problem

2013-08-07 Thread Ellison Marks
Honestly, it just sounds like your system is having trouble locating the guid gem. try this script: require 'guid' # generate a GUID g = Guid.new puts g puts g.to_s puts g.hexdigest puts g.raw.inspect puts g.raw.length # generate another GUID, should be different everytime g2

[Puppet Users] Re: introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Ellison Marks
If it's something that means I can finally ditch puppet-dashboard's reporting functionality, I will be on that like jam on toast. Screenshots look very cool, I'll probably try to install it later this week. On Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:47:23 AM UTC-7, Daniele Sluijters wrote: > > Hello everyon

[Puppet Users] Adding Foreman to an existing Puppet master

2013-08-07 Thread Pablo Carranza
Greetings: Sorry for cross-posting this question, but I haven't gotten any love over on the Google Forum for Foreman users (their forum isn't as active as this one). I only recently learned about The Foreman and I'd like to deploy it on a

[Puppet Users] Nagios XI + Puppet?

2013-08-07 Thread Ryan Bowlby
Hi All, I currently make use of Icinga (nagios fork) + Puppet for fully automated monitoring. It's worked great up to this point. I've recently been asked to integrate fine grained notifications support into icinga. I'm not entirely sure puppet manifests are the right place to manage contacts,

[Puppet Users] Re: puppet master fails to set selinux context on /etc/puppet/auth.conf

2013-08-07 Thread Dan M
Mike Thank you for solution. Perhaps it would be useful to people facing same issue - full instruction set for CentOS looks like: 1. sudo vim /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts Make sure that following line is there: /etc/puppet(/.*)? system_u:object_r:puppet_etc_t:s0 2.

Re: [Puppet Users] Newbie: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER

2013-08-07 Thread Rilindo Foster
The syntax appears to be correct, from what I see. Being that this Apache module came from PuppetLabs, I think it is safe to assume that the module is robust. I would try to try enable full debugging on both the agent and the master. Also, on the agent, try to walk through the installation of

[Puppet Users] Checking for the existence of a file

2013-08-07 Thread Ted Fiedler
I would like to check for the existence of a template file and if that template exists, use it otherwise move on. The file would obviously need to exist on the Puppet server, not the client. Here is my code. $filetest = >> File.exists?("/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/samba/templates/$hostname.e

[Puppet Users] puppet and yum lock

2013-08-07 Thread Aaron Addleman
Hi Everyone, I am having a problem with installing rpm packages on CentOS using yum. The problem is when another instance of yum is running and a lock is created my module that needs to install a package is unable to proceed. This problem sounds like a really simple one to solve but I have not

Re: [Puppet Users] Checking for the existence of a file

2013-08-07 Thread Ashley Penney
You cannot use ruby code in Puppet directly, which is why this isn't working for you. To do this you would need to write a "Puppet Function" as documented at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/custom_functions.html. This would then let you do something like: if exists('/file') { Functions always

[Puppet Users] Re: Newbie: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER

2013-08-07 Thread Dan M
Hi John Thank you for helping me. Today I have fixed several configuration issues of Master's start-up (such as SELinux warning, missing domain names, etc), however the problem with <*include apache*> persist. To be on the safe side, I am running both Master and Agent from *sudo*. At the sam

Re: [Puppet Users] Checking for the existence of a file

2013-08-07 Thread Rilindo Foster
This line here: > content => template("samba/smb.erb", "samba/${hostname}.erb"), What is your intention with having multiple .erb files per hostname? That might help us figure if there a different solution is warranted. -Rilindo On Aug 7, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Ted Fiedler wrote: > I would like t

[Puppet Users] Re: Newbie: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER

2013-08-07 Thread Dan M
I think I have found the fix... and it looks a little bit magical... Ruby made... I was able to solve the problem by removing */etc/puppet/manifests *folder. It was empty at the moment of removal, but later on gets recreated by puppet. Anyway - Agent finally works as expected. Also I have comm

Re: [Puppet Users] The handy Grail of Modules Standards

2013-08-07 Thread Jakov Sosic
On 08/06/2013 01:17 AM, Alessandro Franceschi wrote: That's quite nice, I like the reduced verbosity of the code and essentiality of an all in one (init.pp) location for resources. Yeah, I don't like to partition my module if it's quite simple, as this one is. For better reusability I'd p

Re: [Puppet Users] introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Erik Dalén
Cool stuff will try it out. I think we might have some Python projects at work that would be interested in using the pypuppetdb library as well. On 7 August 2013 14:47, Daniele Sluijters wrote: > Hello everyone, > > > It’s a lovely grey and rainy day here in the Dutch summer, as good a day > as