I think I have found the fix... and it looks a little bit magical... Ruby 

I was able to solve the problem by removing */etc/puppet/manifests *folder.
It was empty at the moment of removal, but later on gets recreated by 
Anyway - Agent finally works as expected.

Also I have commented out *hiera_config* variable.
Here is my final *puppet.conf*:

    server = ip-10-0-8-10.sampup.com
    certname = ip-10-0-8-10.sampup.com
    vardir = /var/lib/puppet
    factpath = $vardir/lib/facter
    templatedir = $confdir/templates
    # The Puppet log directory.
    # The default value is '$vardir/log'.
    logdir = /var/log/puppet
    # Where Puppet PID files are kept.
    # The default value is '$vardir/run'.
    rundir = /var/run/puppet
    # Where SSL certificates are kept.
    # The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
    ssldir = $vardir/ssl
#    reports = store, http
#    reporturl = http://ip-10-0-8-10:3000/reports/upload
    dns_alt_names = ip-10-0-8-10.sampup.com, puppet

    # overriding location of the hierra.yaml
    # hiera_config = /biz/puppet/hiera/hiera.yaml

    # site.pp path
    manifest = /biz/puppet/hieradata/$environment/site.pp

    # a multi-directory modulepath:
    modulepath = 

    # site.pp path
    manifest = /biz/puppet/hieradata/$environment/site.pp

    pluginsync = true

    # The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
    # associated with the retrieved configuratiion.  Can be loaded in
    # the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
    # option.
    # The default value is '$confdir/classes.txt'.
    classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
    # Where puppetd caches the local configuration.  An
    # extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
    # The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
    localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
    certname = ip-10-0-8-11.sampup.com
    dns_alt_names = ip-10-0-8-11.sampup.com

    report = true
    archive_files = true
    environment = devbranch

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