Thanks Peter I'll give that a shot.
I'm still a noob to Puppet, but yeah I'm aware putting in node-specific
logic in our manifests is not best practice. Still trying to figure out a
way I could do what I'm trying to do.
Thanks again sir.
- Philippe
On Thursday, March 13, 2014 1:01:41 PM UTC-7
On Mar 13, 2014, at 2:33 PM, Philippe Conway wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I am wanting to add certain users to certain hosts. I was thinking of listing
> it in my users module. Here is an example:
> user {'llane':
> if $fqdn = '' {
> ensure => present,
> }else{
Hey Guys,
I am wanting to add certain users to certain hosts. I was thinking of
listing it in my users module. Here is an example:
user {'llane':
if $fqdn = '' {
ensure => present,
ensure => absent,
home => '/home/llane',