On Mar 13, 2014, at 2:33 PM, Philippe Conway <philippe.con...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> I am wanting to add certain users to certain hosts. I was thinking of listing 
> it in my users module. Here is an example:
>  user {'llane':
>     if $fqdn = 'node1.example.com' {
>       ensure => present,
>     }else{
>       ensure => absent,
>     }
>     home       => '/home/llane',
>     managehome => true,
>     uid        => '1003',
>     shell      => '/bin/bash',
>     comment    => 'Lois Lane',
>   }
> Basically looking to add Lois Lane to ONLY node1.example.com.
> However Puppet is saying I can't do it because of a syntax error. To me the 
> code looks correct, but I may be just tired and not noticing the error. Any 
> suggestions? Thanks
> - Philippe

You may already be aware that putting node-specific logic in your puppet 
manifests is not a best practice, but I'll help you with the syntax error. Your 
if conditional needs to use '==' to test the fact value, not a single equal 
which is used for assigning values.

Peter Bukowinski

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