You can also download the gems you need (puppet, and its other required
gems) from, copy them to your systems and use the gem command
to install them locally to get around your firewall issue. You can even
created your own gem repo within your network with these gems. For
Hi Ryan, thanks very much for all the tips - I'm not sure why I didn't get
notified when you posted this reply.
We got ruby and gem and rake installed from the Porting center, and we are
working with our firewall team to allow outbound internet connections from
our IA64 11.31 system so we can
While I have not tried to get get puppet working on HP-UX, I have gotten it
to work on a number of other very old platforms by using ruby gems. If you
can get a working puppet-supported version of ruby on HP-UX, you are most
of the way there. Hopefully, you can get the ruby from a source that
Hi has anyone done any more work on puppet for HP-UX 11.31?
Or can someone point me to where I can download the opensource version of
puppet agent code so I can try to compile myself?
On Friday, December 27, 2013 5:20:09 AM UTC-5, Ankit Mittal wrote:
> Dear All,
> Please help me if puppet ag
Dear Martin,
Thanks for the help.
We are using HP UX 11.31 version , can you please tell me if puppet will
work on this version or not.
On Friday, December 27, 2013 3:50:09 PM UTC+5:30, Ankit Mittal wrote:
> Dear All,
> Please help me if puppet agent installation is possible on hp unix os