While I have not tried to get get puppet working on HP-UX, I have gotten it 
to work on a number of other very old platforms by using ruby gems. If you 
can get a working puppet-supported version of ruby on HP-UX, you are most 
of the way there. Hopefully, you can get the ruby from a source that 
already compiled and packaged it, otherwise you'll have to compile ruby on 
your own, which isn't too bad if you have gnu tools from 
http://hpux.connect.org.uk. Once you have ruby with gems support, the steps 
are basically:

* gem install --version <version you want, or leave out for the latest> 
  * This will install 'puppet' and 'facter' within the case bin directory 
ruby is in
* Create /etc/puppet and /var/lib/puppet directories
* Add a working /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
* Run it as usual by hand: /your/path/bin/puppet agent -t
* Create a puppet init script and place into /sbin/init.d, with links to it 
in....whatever HP-UX uses

The benefit of this approach is you get the latest 'n greatest puppet 
version, and you can even use the package resource's gem provider (may need 
to sym-link /your/path/bin/gem to /usr/bin/gem')  to update the gem in the 
future if you so desire to keep all puppet versions the same.

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:07:36 AM UTC-6, Rick Copley wrote:
> Hi has anyone done any more work on puppet for HP-UX 11.31?
> Or can someone point me to where I can download the opensource version of 
> puppet agent code so I can try to compile myself?
> On Friday, December 27, 2013 5:20:09 AM UTC-5, Ankit Mittal wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Please help me if puppet agent installation is possible on hp unix os or 
>> not.
>> If it is possible please tell how to installed it
>> Thanks and Regrads
>> Ankit Mittal

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