Here's the solution I wound up using. I created a puppet.conf.erb
template file and had puppet create the puppet.conf file dynamically.
The critical pieces (I only wanted directories starting with v, like
v01, v02, et cetera):
dirs = Dir.entries("/etc/puppet/manifests").sort
Pete Emerson wrote:
> So on the puppetmaster server I'd need to generate a puppet.conf to
> create a [section] for each version I need to run.
> **Since iterating over arrays doesn't appear to be allowed **
[emphasis mine]
> I guess I'd need to look into
> writing my own function, or simply ext
So far I've gone the route of having two static environments, "production"
(which seems to be the default) and "development". I had my own $environment
definition which was overriding puppet's definition of $environment that
caused some problems for a little while, but I've got that all sorted out,
Brilliant! I think that will save me tremendously. I'll play with it and let
you know. Thanks very much.
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Ohad Levy wrote:
> Maybe this can save you some time...
Maybe this can save you some time...
On 7/7/09, Pete Emerson wrote:
> I take it you're referring to this:
Pete Emerson wrote:
> On the client I'd manage the puppet.conf to set the environment
> parameter to the proper version (this I can easily do with a puppet recipe).
> I'll take a look at this today and see how easy it is to write my own
> function to generate a file like this. I've never done th
I take it you're referring to this:
So on the puppetmaster server I'd need to generate a puppet.conf to create a
[section] for each version I need to run. Since iterating over arrays
doesn't appear to be allowed I guess I'd need
why don't you use puppet environments?
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 7:46 AM, Pete Emerson wrote:
> In order to facilitate puppet manifest upgrades, I need to manage puppet
> recipes on a per-server basis.
> My puppet classifier spits out a variable called $puppet_iteration.
> I tried putting