Pete Emerson wrote:
> So on the puppetmaster server I'd need to generate a puppet.conf to 
> create a [section] for each version I need to run. 
> **Since iterating over arrays doesn't appear to be allowed **
[emphasis mine]
> I guess I'd need to look into 
> writing my own function, or simply externalize this to a script that I'd 
> write.

This is soooo wrong. Sorry, but puppet allows you very easily to process 
arrays with defines:

define puppet::config_section() {
   include puppet::config_section_base
   concatenated_file_part {
       dir => "/var/lib/puppet/modules/puppet/config.d",
       content => template("puppet/config_section.erb");

   [ "production", "development", "testing", "blah" ]:

Regards, DavidS

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