Hello Aries:
The root user would execute this or standard user using sudo.
This also depends on how its run. If ran during a Kickstart it would be run
by the root user.
If you setup the machine, then ssh into the server, it would be run by your
user you ssh'd into the box with. If that is the c
Hello Aries:
The root user would execute this or standard user using sudo.
This also depends on how its run. If ran during a Kickstart it would be run
by the root user.
If you setup the machine, then ssh into the server, it would be run by your
user you ssh'd into the box with. If that is the cas
Hi Joseph:
Thanks your help.
I have a question about the command.
Who is executing the command ? Puppet server or client ?
I need execute some Puppet tools from server. It can login client and do
some script. (client is only OS and SSH)
The Chef knife tools can do.
ariesæ–¼ 201
Hello Aries:
Puppet Enterprise provides a single line command to complete the same
thing. It would look something like this, "curl -k https://:8140/packages/current/install.bash | sudo bash"
You could add that to a cloud_init file if using AWS or add it to a
kickstart file for local OS loading.