Hello Aries:

The root user would execute this or standard user using sudo.

This also depends on how its run. If ran during a Kickstart it would be run 
by the root user.
If you setup the machine, then ssh into the server, it would be run by your 
user you ssh'd into the box with. If that is the case, you might want to 
run the command with sudo privileges.


On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 4:50:06 AM UTC-5, aries wrote:
> Hi ~
> I use chef knife bootstrap a new chef client. It use ssh method to login 
> my client and run script to do any thing.
> # sudo knife bootstrap $CLIENT_IP -x $USER_NAME -P $PASSWORD -d $ERB_FILE
> Is there like tools for puppet ?
> thanks
> Aries

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