Hello everyone ,
I installed puppet version 5.5.10 and the ruby version was 2.5.6 but after
executing the bundle install command when I start my puppet server and I
execute the command "puppet cert list" it displays this message:
[image: puppetCertList.PNG]
and the ruby version has been changed
I find another one method but it doesn't work :(
Would it be possible to make this work?
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Somehow I got it working with the below config,
cat /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/sysctl.pp
class sysctl::config {
Class['sysctl::config'] -> Sysctl::Entry <| |>
file { '/etc/sysctl.conf':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
When you specify "include sysctl" then Puppet includes the sysctl class and
this class only ensures that the /etc/sysctl.conf file exists:
class sysctl {
file { "/etc/sysctl.conf":
ensure => "present",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 0644,
I am newbie in puppet and just learning the things. I have created the
module to create users which is worked great. But I have created another
one for sysctl which doesn't updated on agent server and as well on the
puppet master itself.
Working for users add:
[root@puppet ~]# c