
I am newbie in puppet and just learning the things. I have created the 
module to create users which is worked great. But I have created another 
one for sysctl which doesn't updated on agent server and as well on the 
puppet master itself.

Working for users add:

[root@puppet ~]# cat /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/users.pp
class users {
    users::add { "testsudo":
        username        => 'testsudo',
        comment         => 'Sudo Testing',
        shell           => '/bin/bash',
        password_hash   => '$1$ULu2WAcE$k6/d5orSPRxsJWDhlvEEf.'
    users::add { "testing":
        username        => 'testing',
        comment         => 'Sudo Testing',
        shell           => '/bin/bash',
        password_hash   => '$1$ULu2WAcE$k6/d5orSPRxsJWDhlvEEf.'


define users::add($username, $comment, $shell, $password_hash) {
    user { $username:
        ensure => 'present',
        home   => "/home/${username}",
        comment => $comment,
        shell  => $shell,
        managehome => 'true',
        password => $password_hash,

Not working sysctl:

[root@puppet ~]# cat /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/sysctl.pp               
class sysctl {                                                             
    file { "/etc/sysctl.conf":                                             
        ensure => "present",                                               
        owner => "root",                                                   
        group => "root",                                                   
        mode => 0644,                                                       
define sysctl::settings ($ensure="present", $source="", $content="") {     
    $sysctl_file = "/etc/sysctl.conf"                                       
    exec { "reload-sysctl-settings":                                       
        command => "/sbin/sysctl -p ${sysctl_file}",                       
        require => File[$sysctl_file],                                     
        subscribe => [                                                     
        refreshonly => "true",                                             
    if $source {                                                           
        file { $sysctl_file:                                               
            ensure => $ensure,                                             
            source => $source,                                             
            owner => "root",                                               
            group => "root",                                               
            mode => 0644,                                                   
            notify => Exec["reload-sysctl-settings"],                       
    if $content {                                                           
        file { $sysctl_file:                                               
            ensure => $ensure,                                             
            content=> "${content}",                                         
            owner => "root",                                               
            group => "root",                                               
            mode => 0644,                                                   
            notify => Exec["reload-sysctl-settings"],                       
define sysctl::lvs_direct_routing ($ensure="present") {
    sysctl::settings { "lvs-direct-routing":
        priority => $priority,
        ensure => $ensure,
        source => "puppet://puppet.domain.com/files/direct-routing.conf",
define sysctl::tcp_performance ($ensure="present") {
    sysctl::settings { "tcp-performance":
        priority => $priority,
        ensure => $ensure,
        source => "puppet://puppet.domain.com/files/performance.conf",

site.pp file:

[root@puppet ~]# cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
import "classes/*"

node default {
        include users
        include sysctl

node test {
        include users
        include sysctl

node 'server.domain.co' inherits test {

node 'shiva.domain2.co' inherits test {

If I run the command "puppetd --server puppet.domain.com --waitforcert 60 
--test" from agent then it creates users but it doesn't update anything 
about sysctl and even it doesn't throw any errors too. Even I have tried to 
execute the command "puppet -tv" on puppet master itself which has the same 

May I know where I am mistaking with sysctl?

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