have you tried the usual settings?
export http_proxy="http://your.proxy.server:8080";
export https_proxy="http://your.proxy.server:8080";
This should work; if not, this:
says you can specify http_p
i am trying to run a master+agent setup on 2 Centos 7 vms with one
ethernet adapter for internetconnection and one for the connection between
the 2 vms.
But I cant seem to get them together. Since i am behind a company proxy i
entered the proxy in the yum.conf and the /etc/environment
The master stores the configuration for the nodes it manages. When
requested by a node (agent), it compiles the manifests for this node and
send it to the node.
You should probably post in english. I'm answering after using google
translate on your message.
-- Laurent.
Le 9 mai 2014 17:42, "Alan
Sou iniciante com Puppet e tenho dúvidas sobre o Master Agent.
Para que serve Master Agent e como devo utilizá-lo?
Tenho apenas criado ambiente virtual, com os manifests, classes, módulos,
templates, mas não entendi o objetivo do Master Agent.
Tenho um ambiente de testes e integração