On Thursday, September 13, 2012 12:17:38 PM UTC-6, PaulS wrote:
> This is my /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
> Can anyone see why nodes
> 5051,5052,5010,5110,5116,5102,5117,5118,5121,6012,and 5052
> would grab/include the very last nodes module? node server616 module
On Thursday, September 13, 2012 12:17:38 PM UTC-6, PaulS wrote:
> This is my /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
> Can anyone see why nodes
> 5051,5052,5010,5110,5116,5102,5117,5118,5121,6012,and 5052
> would grab/include the very last nodes module? node server616 module
This is my /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Can anyone see why nodes
5051,5052,5010,5110,5116,5102,5117,5118,5121,6012,and 5052
would grab/include the very last nodes module? node server616 module tomcat6
File { ignore => '.svn' }
node 'server6010' {
include centos6
node 'server6011
Hi Markus,
I'm pretty new, too, I struggled with the same error just today.
Here's how I resolved it.
The error message 'Could not find class' sometimes occurs when puppet
doesn't like the contents of the class.
Start with the simplest possible class, and see if puppet finds it.
Something like:
Nice! Thanks!
sam@puppetmaster:~$ getent passwd | grep puppet # /bin/false is not
puppet:x:108:113:Puppet configuration management daemon,,,:/var/lib/
sam@puppetmaster:~$ sudo chsh puppet -s /bin/bash
sam@puppetmaster:~$ getent passwd | grep puppet # that's better
I'm checking out a stacks directory from subversion into /opt/stacks
on the puppet master then mounting /opt/stacks. The stacks directory
contains configuration files for the server stacks, which I'll want to
manage with Puppet.
I'm not yet using the [file] mount but am using the [stacks] mount, s
This is a heads up. I didn't see this particular root cause to the
'connection refused' error upon google search, so thought I'd pass it
on. I tried to make a bug report, but couldn't figure out how to do
that. I may not have permission. Arguably it's a 'sensitivity,' though
an undocumented one.
the nature of the puppet user that's created during
install, and whether I'm losing anything important if I blow it away
and recreate with:
sudo useradd puppet --create-home --user-group --shell /bin/bash
Thanks for any help,
On Feb 21, 7:19 am, Craig White wrote:
> On Feb 21, 201
Hi all. New puppet developer. Very excited. I have the agents
communicating with the puppet master.
I'm wondering now about best practice for file and user permissions on
the puppet master. Most of my wonder probably stems from general lack
of understanding in this area. I'd like to get it right t