Nice! Thanks!

sam@puppetmaster:~$ getent passwd | grep puppet  # /bin/false is not
puppet:x:108:113:Puppet configuration management daemon,,,:/var/lib/

sam@puppetmaster:~$ sudo chsh puppet -s /bin/bash

sam@puppetmaster:~$ getent passwd | grep puppet  # that's better
puppet:x:108:113:Puppet configuration management daemon,,,:/var/lib/

sam@puppetmaster-1e:~$ su - puppet  # now I can switch user


On Feb 21, 1:27 pm, Craig White <> wrote:

> ----
> the one thing I have always appreciated about Linux/UNIX is that the config 
> files are always text files and can be fixed and thus you don't have to 
> resort to things like uninstalling/re-installing, deleting/recreating users 
> because everything is relatively easily fixed - at least assuming that you 
> know how.
> su - puppet # if done by root doesn't require a password.
>             # Root user doesn't need a password for anything
>             # if done by a user, needs puppet user's password
> /etc/sudoers -  'puppet ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
>             # Can't imagine a good reason to do this but will only
>             # allow user 'puppet' to sudo anything without a password
> if 'su - puppet' doesn't give you the bash shell as user puppet then perhaps 
> you don't have a good shell set up for user puppet.
> getent passwd | grep puppet   # will list things like the shell
>                               # which should be /bin/bash but if not, use chsh
> sudo chsh puppet -s /bin/bash # will set puppet users shell to /bin/bash
> It's also possible that user puppet's home directory is wrongly set or the 
> permissions are bad...
> # getent passwd | grep puppet
> puppet:x:1001:1001:Puppet,,,:/var/lib/puppet:/bin/bash
> sudo chown puppet:puppet /var/lib/puppet -R
> Craig

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