suggestions for Open Source Puppet as well?
Matthias schrieb am Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2022 um 17:29:59
> Our support for TLS termination is messy and you need to use a reverse
> proxy in front of PE, We have a couple of Patterns surrounding multi
Dear Puppet Users,
until now, I have been using Puppet in firewalled environments only, where
agents were on the same trusted network as the server or connected through
VPN tunnels.
Now there seem to be some good reaons for switching to a "perimeterless
security" approach, which would mean to
k into the nexus provider anyway to gain some more
insights how they approach the whole provider implementation when
interacting with a remote api.
Best regards,
On Tuesday, 2 August 2022 at 08:03:49 UTC+2 wrote:
> Am Montag, dem 01.08.2022 um 12:47 -0700 s
e server for use when compiling the
> catalog. Providers run on the agent after the catalog has been compiled.
> If you need to get to Hiera data, write your type/provider such that it
> accepts a parameter, then look that up from Hiera and pass it in when you
> declare a res
Hi, is it possible to access hiera values within a custom provider?
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Am Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2020 11:51:42 UTC+1 schrieb Martijn Grendelman:
> Hi,
> A question about Puppetserver performance.
> For quite a while now, our primary Puppet server is suffering from severe
> slowness and high CPU usage. We have tried to tweak it
Hi everybody!
I've the task to migrate our existing puppet installation from Puppet 3.8
to Puppet 6.x and my colleague gave me the following tasks to do this:
- Hiera: all nodes should be configurable via hiera --> as with our
currently installed version which has the following configuration:
> This message indicates, that the agent has created a certificate, has sent
> the CSR to the master and is now waiting for the master to sign the
> certificate.
> Log in to your puppetmaster.
> Check puppet and puppetserver version.
> puppetserver --version
> puppet --version
> If you ar
> When your agent didn't create a cert yet, you need to specify an
>> additional option that'll create the cert and wait for the master to
>> sign the certificate signing request:
>> puppet agent -t --waitforcert 10
>> the integer value to the argument is the number of seconds to w
somone explain me why I've doent't get an Certificate on my Node?
Thanks for your help and reply,
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Hi Johan,
thanks for the feedback, i've decided to give the pracitioner a go, think
it's the better option by now. maybe i'll the architect later on.
Best regards,
On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 6:39:17 PM UTC+2, Johan De Wit wrote:
> Hi Matthias, If the main g
At the moment i can't determine which training is better for me - the
"Puppet Practitioner" or the "Puppet Architect" - so i am asking you to
help me a bit further, to decide which one i should go for.
Suggestions appreciated :-)
Best regards,
You rec
So... no answers... bug report filed! :-)
On Mon, 3 Aug 2015 13:26:07 +0200
Matthias Saou wrote:
> Hi,
> I had this applied to my nodes :
> firewall { "${prenumber}7 portknock let connections th
se or even remove the $rseconds line entirely,
puppet just leaves the previous value on existing nodes. For new nodes
or if I manually remove all iptables rules first, then the new rule
gets created without any "--seconds 3" as expected.
How can I tell puppet to actually r
On Wed, 20 May 2015 03:57:50 -0700 (PDT)
Nick Howes wrote:
> On Wednesday, 20 May 2015 11:52:06 UTC+1, Matthias Saou wrote:
> >
> > I will post followups if
> > anyone is interested.
> >
> >
> Count me interested - I'm in the same pre-leap state (3
a quick search doesn't come up with much relevant.
This is a RHEL7 system with the default LANG=en_US.UTF-8...
Not going so well so far, I was really hoping for less differences
between 3.7 with the future parser and 4.0. I will post followups
t to get it as a number instead of a string :
"mtu_eth0": 1500,
"operatingsystemrelease": "6.6",
"swapsize_mb": "4032.00",
"processorcount": 8,
Is this a known limitation? Am I doing something wrong?
For the next one hitting this - in my case this was related to a old
version of the puppetdb module (v2.0.0) which queried a URL that was no
longer existent.
Updating the module cleared the error right up.
The module was previousely not update because of a dependency lockup
through puppetlabs/
Last useless note : I have also encountered problems with the file_line
'match' parameter, the first one being that the official example is
broken as the 'line' must match the 'match' regexp.
Good luck :-)
You received this message because yo
n would be unconditionally include a class, and
have the logic inside that class, to include other classes based on
things like "if $::hostname =~ /^web\d+$/ { include '::foo' }".
Combine the ifs as much as you want, using intermediate booleans to
make things clearer...
ur yum repo configuration
in once which is before 'main'.
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 07:31:19 -0700 (PDT)
Mark Rosedale wrote:
> Hello,
> So I'm specifying specific packages to install for some of my
> critical software. This is specifically related to centos/yum. When
ine of the file for example :
<% fqdn = scope.lookupvar('::fqdn').downcase -%>
Then use "fqdn" (the local ruby variable) instead of "@fqdn" (the
puppet variable) in your <%= fqdn %>.
On Thu, 7 Aug 2014 09:09:44 -0700 (PDT)
Linwood Johnson wrote
> restart (service vs systemctl)?
Take a look at :
You *should* be able to force the restart command with something like
this (untested) :
service { 'auditd':
restart => '/sbin/service auditd restart'
l -
is solved.
I expect that the conversion from YAML-types to Puppet-types is lossless in
this case, because ruby does the right thing here and puppet would need to
make an effort to get it wrong ;-)
But that would be a nice catch. thanks, Atom Powers.
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Matthias Vie
m I doing wrong? Where - apart from the source-code - can I look
for information how that lookup works?
Matthias Viehweger
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Thank you so so so so so much! Definitely my most wanted feature
since... forever :-) Off to try that now...
h variable in file source parameters and
template paths to make your life easier.
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
Web: h
d why one would want to do that... I
could actually use that behaviour for the initial ~/.gitconfig files I
create for system users, for example.
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
Web: http://matthias.saou.
> So why has this virtualhost array suddenly become a string
> when I call the each function on it in the template?
Because unless I'm mistaken, you're converting your array to a string
with ".join('", "')". Just re
Run : /usr/bin/hadoop fs -ls /user/foo; echo $?
If you see 0 then the exec will no longer run when using "unless".
Run : /usr/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /user/foo; echo $?
You'll need to see 0 when the HDFS directory didn't exis
ensure => present,
i know this has been somewhat of a topic before (see but I'm wondering:
Is there any non-breaking, non-ugly way to have the local system on windows
access to the puppet certificate files?
My setup does a little cheating and uses the puppet cert (
operatingsystem => RedHat
operatingsystemmajrelease => 7
operatingsystemrelease => 7.0
osfamily => RedHat
rubyversion => 2.0.0
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ █
xist :-)
But it's a good start, much appreciated!
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
solved it in my own module :
(feel free to copy/paste those lines!)
Though I did "move" all of the resources to their default files and
stopped using the objects/templates.cfg file.
interested in discussing anything related to modules and
the Forge, but if any official Puppet Labs representatives are there,
I'd also be interested in getting in touch about consulting in Spain and
On Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:33:29 -0800 (PST)
Daniele Sluijters wr
headers like IfModifiedSince etc.
> So here's some instructions on how to do it:
> Works for me, but no guarantees etc :)
This is a simple and interesting change. Care to share some numbers
about the "speeds things up quite a bit" par
ACL is
still being applied by the module (remove users easily and
* Automatic setting of both normal and default ACLs to the same values
(shortens declarations, increases code readability).
Feedback welcome!
y separate variables for each role, such as:
webserver: true
appserver: true
With matching facts which exist or don't exist.
Matthias Saou ██ ██
d. I'm guessing the update broke something related to SSL. After
installing 1.7.0, alternatives automatically updated all java related
paths to make 1.7.0 the default, and puppetdb seems to work fine with
So if you're running PuppetDB on RHEL (or any clone), the
Is there some option or
trivial workaround I'm missing?
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
Web: ██
I've created this ticket with all the details I have :
On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 16:19:09 -0700
Matthaus Owens wrote:
> Facter 1.7.2 is a bugfix release in the 1.7 series.
> To see a list of the issues addressed by this releas
::ntp::install'] ->
Class['::ntp::config'] ~> Class['::ntp::service'] ->
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
Web: http://mat
"false" -%>
Add a new params variable for it, similar to $panic?
* For "real" RHEL, the ntp server hostnames used will be "centos"
instead of the original "rhel" ones. I'm not su
oo, where do we put the common virtual resource?).
* The use of author-specific common modules (I don't like taking a
johndoe/apache module and noticing I then need johndoe/common).
But don't get me wrong, I like where this is headed, and will
participate as much as I can.
one at some point. One possibility would be to have a
review-based approval process for forge modules, where guidelines would
have to be enforced before a module gets published. Of course, that's a
lot of time and resources, for what boils down to being considered
"boring work"
d), something like
this should work, since "-" is unique :
$user-akey = regsubst($akey, '^(.*)$', "${name}-\1")
my_ssh_authorized_key { $user-akey: ensure => $ensure }
Then :
define my_ssh_authorized_key ( $ensure ) {
$user = regsubst
On Fri, 31 May 2013 07:52:25 -0700
Nan Liu wrote:
> A bit off topic, but you should use file attribute replace => false
> instead of an exec.
Indeed. I'm not sure how I've missed that parameter. And it seems to
have existed for a loong time. Thanks a lot for corre
ges it
doesn't make itself.
Custom fact, it is...
Dan White wrote:
> That is an excellent example, but I think you miss the original point:
> Your example deals with only one file resource - the dot-gitconfig
> file Suppose you only wanted to perform this action if
tent :
/bin/cat > <%= home %>/.gitconfig << EOF
name = <%= @gitconfig_user_name %>
email = <%= @gitconfig_user_email %>
Basically, just don't have either 'source' nor 'content' for your file
resource, and create the initial content using an
repo["puppetlabs-products"]" lines.
Otherwise, you will need to add that resource to be declared.
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
;. I even tried "--no-verbose" but that doesn't work.
How do I switch back to a default log level of "notice"?
Matthias Saou ██ ██
a class is
best here instead of a definition since it can only be instantiated
once per node. Lastly, using a class makes it trivial to tune nodes
using hiera and class parameter auto-lookup in puppet 3.
banjer wrote:
> Thanks, I was about to roll out a puppet module for tuned-ad
re fine with just ensuring the package is absent, and
enclosing the service inside an "if $ensure == 'present'" or similar.
If that's not enough, it should be considered a packaging bug.
Matthias Saou ██ ██
. Your explanation matches the behaviour I've
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
Web: ██
Mail/XMPP: matth
r::Listener { config => 'asdf' }
node 'dev' {
sensor::listner {"test_sensor":}
This would show 'asdf' for all of your nodes, since the default would
be set inside site.pp, thus inherited globally.
Ole Morten Grodås wrote:
> How can I
e proper syntax?
Has this (or will this) become the best practice?
Matthias Saou ██ ██
en $service is the "false" string, the condition is still true.
But I don't mind modifying to "if $service == true" since it's not any
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:27:20 -0700 (PDT)
Nick Fagerlund wrote:
> Hey Matthias! It's a Puppet bug. Sorry.
e default...
Other variable names don't seem to have this problem. It seems that
I've been bitten once more by "mostly-working-but-reserved-somewhere"
variable names.
Does anyone know Hiera internals enough to confirm this?
Do I have any options other than
Looks like there is a bug report for it.
On Monday, February 25, 2013 9:31:24 AM UTC-8, matthias wrote:
> I recently upgraded one of our puppet agent servers to use rubygems 2.0.0.
> When I run 'puppet agent --test' after the u
I recently upgraded one of our puppet agent servers to use rubygems 2.0.0.
When I run 'puppet agent --test' after the upgrade it complains that there
is an invalid option with using --include-dependencies switch (output
below). Is there a way to pass arguments to puppet when using gem as the
sure => installed,
require => Exec['mount share'];
exec { 'mount share':
command => '...',
if => command to check if not mounted;
I may be wrong, of course, but this would be my first try to resolve
an 8.4) for use with PuppetDB. There are a few
> reasons we want to do this:
On one hand, this is probably how it should be with infrastructure
projects like this. On the other hand, I just like both the reasoning
and the tone.
Matthias Viehweger
Serververwaltung und Softwareentwi
Hi John!
On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 07:51:37AM -0800, jcbollinger wrote:
> You need a Puppet-bogometer.
I need one, too! Where can I order it?
Matthias Viehweger
Serververwaltung und Softwareentwicklung
Prinzessinnenstraße 20 - 10969 Berlin
modules or
wrong ordering.
In this case, the apt/sources.list.d-directory is a direct concern of
apt and should IMHO be managed by the module.
Serververwaltung und Softwareentwicklung
Prinzessinnenstraße 20 - 10969 Berlin
the code a little, maybe document better or something like that, but
that's the developer in me. :)
Matthias Viehweger
Serververwaltung und Softwareentwicklung
Prinzessinnenstraße 20 - 10969 Berlin
Description: Digital signature
hat has a dependency on e.g.
Service[apache2], but does not deal with that on it's own. Puppet ensures then
that the webserver is declared in the catalog and the vhost I am
concerned with has no problems.
Matthias Viehweger
Serververwaltung und Softwareentwicklung
few fixes, I haven't had the time to integrate them into the bigger
picture with backwards compatibility and so on.
I have puppet-lint and cucumber-puppet integrated into my Jenkins-setup.
Matthias Viehweger
Serververwaltung und Software
versions than Puppet. Installing the agent from a package will
> override our ruby installs.
We do this the other way around. Puppet runs on system ruby (Ubuntu's
Ruby 1.8) while the apps have their dedicated rvm-setup.
Matthias Viehweger
- --
Serververwaltung und Softwareen
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To u
want to support (talk, workshop)?
I would like to give a talk, maybe even a workshop, depending on the
Matthias Viehweger
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit
t least leave people a way to disable dependencies on other
of my own modules so that they can use their own instead.
Good luck!
On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 02:00:18 -0700 (PDT)
ftiff wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to install a nagios server without reinventing the wheel.
On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 09:39:30 -0400
Trevor Vaughan wrote:
> I attempted to set it and it wasn't very happy but your assessment is
> what I had thought as well.
Yup. (Still) Unsupported, unfortunately...
This is indeed not Debian, as an update will never get you to the next
major release :-)
EL5 is indeed quite old, EL6 has already been available for nearly 2
years and ships with ruby 1.8.7 : It's definitely what you want to be
deploying on any new systems.
gt; you have Ruby 1.8.7 or greater installed.
Matthias Saou ██ ██
██ ██
Web: ██
Mail/XMPP: ██
so path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ] would probably have worked.
> As suggested by Florian using 'provider => shell' takes care of PATH
> and shell built-ins as well.
That's probably just as good a solution.
On an unrelated note, something li
<% mm_cfg_settings.each do |key,value| -%>
<%= key %> = <%= value %>
<% end -%>
In this particular example, order isn
RedHat|CentOS)/: {
@package { 'php-cli': ensure => installed }
@package { 'php-fpm': ensure => installed }
$package_cli = 'php-cli'
$package_fpm = 'php-fpm'
Then I'll be realizing $
s long as all parameters are identical,
since it's typically just "package { 'foo': ensure => installed }".
That would also have a whole bunch of new implications, as I can imagine
people changing a single parameter in one place and getting confused as
to why the now get
he packaging
itself is different, as in (non-existing) sub-packages... there is no
end (1).
I don't have the slightest idea as to how all this could be solved in
a clean way, but "requiring a common bit of high level code" isn't the
global solution I'm myself hoping for.
Hi all,
I have repeatedly encountered the problem that I would like Puppet to install a
particular piece of software, for example git, and then use a provider like to check out a repository.
This fails with a message like "Could not run Puppet confi
Package<||> ~> exec { ..., refreshonly => true }
do the trick?
Am 30.09.2011 um 19:43 schrieb "GeekBiker" :
> I need to exec a program if ANY packages have been modified (added,
> removed, updated, etc). I tried subscribing to Package with a
> wildcard, but that isn't supported.
Replying to myself:
> define complex_user($uid, $sshkeys) {
> /* ... create user with $name ... */
> create_resources("keys_for", $sshkeys)
> }
> define keys_for($key) { ... }
I just found that when having a $user_name = $name in complex_user, I can
access that in keys_for simply
Hi all,
I would like to create a configuration along the lines of
complex_user { "joe":
uid => 42,
sshkeys => {
"key1-comment" => { key => "...", ... },
"key2-comment" => { key => "...", ...}
That is, a definition that will
Sans wrote:
> Thanks Matthias! I noticed the semicolon typo.
> What does ${::hostname}-cert.pem implicate (as opposed to ${hostname}-
> cert.pem)?
It just makes explicit that it's a variable from the global scope (as
it's a fact) and not from the current local scope.
Matthias Saou wrote :
> file { "/opt/${cert_dir}/${::hostname}-cert.pem":
> mode=> '0444', owner => 'root', group => 'root',
> source => "puppet:///modules/p_nodes/${::hostname}-cert.pem";
x27;0444', owner => 'root', group => 'root',
source => "puppet:///modules/p_nodes/${::hostname}-cert.pem";
require => Exec['mkdir_cert_dir'],
HTH :-)
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
h enough, very explicit and entirely isolated (except for
anyone having a custom "fact" module ;-)).
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin) - Linux kernel
Load : 0.10 0.13 0.22
You received this
if [ `/usr/bin/id -un` == "oracle" ]; then
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin) - Linux kernel
Load : 0.01 0.35 0.52
You rec
dhat-lsb :
$foo = "${::operatingsystem}${::operatingsystemrelease}" ? {
/^RedHat5/ => $rhel5,
/^RedHat6/ => $thel6,
You will need to update that regexp before RHEL 50 ;-)
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Lau
Matthias Saou wrote :
> > try $name, that should do it, came in somewhere mid 2.6.x series
> Yup, that was it!
> Section "$name can now be used to set default values in defined
> resource types" in the release notes :
And this is the original feature request :
Thanks for the quick pointer :-)
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin) - Linux kernel
contain "bar"
foo { 'foo': bar => 'bar' }
Anything I can use instead of "$bar = $namevar" to get it working?
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin) - Linux kernel
%><%= mem.to_i %>")
Here's an example of how I then use it :
# kernel.shmmax
if $shmmax {
$shmmax_final = $shmmax
} else {
if $oracle {
# For non-shm half the RAM for <= 4G, 2G otherwise
if $mem <= 4294967296 {
emory nodes other than switching from puppetd
to running puppet from a cron job? (which would help somewhat, but not
fix the underlying issues)
Any pointers are welcome :-)
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin) - Linux kernel 2.6.35.
Ken Barber wrote:
> Nice idea to hire document writers with clairvoyance skills :-).
I'll second that! :-)
Thanks for the great work : The documentation has really been improving
a lot and my general feeling is that "things" are much easier to find
than before.
I'm sure others will bump into this too, or already have :-)
Clean custom Red Hat Linux rpm packages :
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin) - Linux kernel
Load : 0.22 0.36 0.46
You receive
d variables from erb
templates directly, as it won't ever be as convenient as before for
facts and global scope variables.
Alessandro Franceschi wrote:
> scope.lookupvar() works also on Puppet 2.6 and 0.25 and maybe earlier
> versions, and AFAIK will keep on working in futu
Thanks, using scope.lookupvar() in the templates does work. But will
this be the proper way to echo facts in puppet 2.7 and 2.8? Because it
does seem like quite an extra burden, and if it's not really decided
yet, I prefer sticking with the warnings for now ;-)
Ken Barber
cted tIDENTIFIER, expecting tCONSTANT
_erbout = ''; _erbout.concat(( ::fqdn ).to_s); _erbout
How should these global scope variables (facts in this case) be used
inside erb templates? Maybe there's some obvious ruby syntax I'm
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