On Mon, 10 Jun 2013 16:41:22 -0400
Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sysadmins have the (reasonable?) expectation of installing more than
> one ssh key.
> Relevant bits from my current config follows:
> class rl_users {
>         define ssh_user($uid, $gid, $password, $akey,
> $ensure=present) { user{ $name :
>                         ensure   => $ensure, managehome => true,
>                         uid      => $uid,    gid        => $gid,
>                         password => $password,
>                         groups   => ['wheel'],
>                         require  => Group[$name],
>                 }
>                 group { $name :
>                         ensure => $ensure,
>                         gid    => $gid,
>                 }
>                 ssh_authorized_key { "${name}-akey":
>                         ensure  => $ensure,
>                         key     => $akey,
>                         type    => 'ssh-rsa',
>                         user    => $name,
>                         require => User[$name],
>                 }
> }
> @ssh_user { 'foo':
>                 uid=> 2004 , gid => 2004,
>                 password => '$6$foo',
>                 akey => 'AAAAB3xyz/VFwxhtYhw==',
>         }
> # how can we support user bar?
> @ssh_user { 'bar':
>                 uid=> 2005 , gid => 2005,
>                 password => '$6$bar',
>                 akey => [ 'AAAAB3xyz/VFwxhtYhw==',
>                                ''AAAABzzzzz==' ]
>         }
> Right now I have a fugly kludge in place to support a second "akey0"
> slot.

One workaround which comes to mind is to use regsubst on the $akey
array in order to make each element unique, and move the
ssh_authorized_key call to its own definition.

When it comes to iterating with puppet, the usual way to get where you
want is to apply a definition to an array. From there, you need to avoid
the (also usual) duplicate declarations, by extending and abusing the
$title if needed in order to make sure it's unique.

So here (these are quick hints, completely untested), something like
this should work, since "<user>-<sshkey>" is unique :

$user-akey = regsubst($akey, '^(.*)$', "${name}-\1")
my_ssh_authorized_key { $user-akey: ensure => $ensure }

Then :

define my_ssh_authorized_key ( $ensure ) {

  $user = regsubst($title, '^(.+)-(.+)$', '\1')
  $akey = regsubst($title, '^(.+)-(.+)$', '\2')
  ssh_authorized_key { $title:
    ensure  => $ensure,
    key     => $akey,
    type    => 'ssh-rsa',
    user    => $user,
    require => User[$user],


If there are more elegant solutions, I'd love to hear about them :-)


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