'Open port 8080 in the public Zone':
ensure => 'present',
zone => 'public',
port => {
'port' => 8080,
'protocol' => 'tcp',
Firewalld_port[Open port 161 in the public zone] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Firewalld/Exec[firewalld::reload]: Skipping because
of failed dependencies
Notice: Applied catalog in 1.10 seconds
[root@centos7-dev01 ~]#
Again the message about conversion of String into Integer.
rewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=161/udp
*[root@centos7-dev01 ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=161/tcp
*[root@centos7-dev01 ~]#*
Is there something to configure in the module itself before using
« firewalld_port » instruction ?
Hi folks!
I'm pleased to say that we *do* now have instructions for installing PDK
with Homebrew or Chocolatey. See the Installing PDK page at
https://puppet.com/docs/pdk/1.x/pdk_install.html for details.
Jean Bond
Sr. Technical Writer
On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 11:34 AM Bryan Jen
epest thanks to the community for all of the contributions to this
revision; your help was invaluable. I look forward to working with the
community on improving and refining this guide.
*Jean Bond*
Technical Writer
You received this message because you are subscribed t
That's the clearest explanation I've came across, thanks a lot !
I'll go with the define; I thought I had found a quick way to reuse some
code; I was halfway there, looks like. :-)
Thanks again,
On Monday, 14 December 2015 10:42:53 UTC-5, Jean-Francois Gratton wrote:
Good morning everyone,
I'm trying my hand with subclasses and using parametrized (sub-)classes.
Here's the module layout, and what I'm trying to acheive:
class users::sysadmins
realize (Group['sysadmins'])
include users::sysadmins::jf
On some AIX server I receive error message during communication processus
during first synchronisation and then puppet will not synchronsize.
Console message :
*err: Could not send report: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not intern from
yaml: syntax error on line 6279, col 14: `!binary ?
), I'll let you know what goes with this.
thanks for your replies !
On Sunday, 8 November 2015 04:16:54 UTC-5, Toni Schmidbauer wrote:
> Jean-Francois Gratton > writes:
> > 3.4.x and 3.8.x (Solaris offers 3.4 right now, and I don't have the
> > courage,
environment as a PoC. This might help me get the buy-in.
On Monday, 2 November 2015 15:33:51 UTC-5, Jean-Francois Gratton wrote:
> Hi,
> I've looked around to find an answer, all I could find seemed to be badly
> outdated.
> I'm looking to either source
ed I can get the buy-in from
Management; I'm having an expanded PoC with the Community version, and, if
it succeeds I'll try to pressure Management to get the funds and from there.
On Monday, 2 November 2015 15:33:51 UTC-5, Jean-Francois Gratton wrote:
> H
I've looked around to find an answer, all I could find seemed to be badly
I'm looking to either sources or binaries to get a Puppet 3.8.x agent
working on AIX 7.x .
I understand I might get into dependency hell, or whatnot. I don't mind; I
don't mind having to build my own ruby/
Le jeudi 17 octobre 2013 10:45:12 UTC+2, Ken Barber a écrit :
> Can you clarify what you mean by this? And how you determined that?
> Do you mean it no longer runs as part of the catalog it was declared
> in? This is expected, unless you are collecting it immediately on the
> same node of
I'm trying to use Puppet ability to export and collect resources using
My PuppetDB and Puppet Master are running on the same host and I used the
PuppetDB puppet module to install PuppetDB and configure the Puppet master.
Each time the puppet agent runs on a client, the facts and t
Hello James,
Yes, this help.
I just felt confused that 'host' report variable represents in fact
'certname' value.
That said, I'll have a look on PuppetDB, which I do not use for now.
Jean Baptiste
On 11/26/12 5:43 AM, James Turnbull wrote:
Jean Baptiste
tname in "puppet world".
I tried @hostname, but still get certname instead of hostname.
Is there any way to get the real hostname into report processor ?
Jean-Baptiste Favre
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet
the fact that Puppet right now simply ignores these important variables
because of some (possible) edge cases.
Jean Mertz
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegr
es "reference" and
automatically retrieve foo::param value, even if foo class is not included.
Use case could be to define some global value like web application
parameters like hostname which should be defined globally and used when
Any comment welcomed.
Jean Baptis
Hash: SHA1
Yes, my clients run with listen option.
Already saw this bug repote and that's why I've restarted puppet agent
without this option yesterday to see what happen.
Will see results when arriving at work :)
On 12/04/2012 01:38, Jason Antman w
Forgot to mention:
I see this misbehaviour on many servers with:
- puppet 2.6.14,
- facter 1.6.5
- Ubuntu 10.04 with 2.6.32-317-ec2 kernel
See it also with other kernels, but less often.
Puppet & facter are home backported (ie, not using apt.puppetlabs.com)
On 4/10/12 11:35 PM,
012 23:41, Jeff McCune wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Jean Baptiste FAVRE
> wrote:
>> Hello, Seems to be the same as described here:
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/puppet-users/
Hash: SHA1
Seems to be the same as described here:
Got the same issue with puppet 2.6.14 and various kernels version.
Can't find what's going rong, so I guess I'll have to downgr
Answer to myself: always double check for misspelling variable names...
Sorry for noise,
On 3/12/12 12:26 PM, Jean Baptiste Favre wrote:
I want to pass a hash as parameters for a define
$hash = { name => 'aname', key1 => 'akey', key2 => 'anoth
I want to pass a hash as parameters for a define
$hash = { name => 'aname', key1 => 'akey', key2 => 'anotherkey' }
mydefine { 'define': hash => $hash }
define mydefine ( $hash ) {
notice("Hash is as follow: name is ${hash[name]}, key1 is
${hash[key1]}, key2 is ${hash[key2]}")
Hash: SHA1
Hello John,
Answers inline
On 31/10/2011 15:40, jcbollinger wrote:
> Your setup is a bit strange in using arrow syntax within a class to
> declare a dependency of that class itself, though I'm not sure that
> shouldn't work. Instead, the key pro
Hash: SHA1
Hello Devon,
You're tight and that's the point I was looking for.
I discovered that point when doing some tests after Andrew's contribution.
So, now it works and I'll be able to deal with class ordering.
Thanks for your answer,
On 31/10/2011 18:4
epo::install) for readability purpose.
But, it that case, I could specify it pkgrepo::repository since it
defined in node definition. Just wonder why I did not tought about it
before :-/
Will let you updated right after my tests.
On 29/10/2011 09:26, Andrew Hendry wrote:
> H
ages.iscoolapp.com"] -> Class['Pkgrepo']
include pkgrepo::install,pkgrepo::config
Problem is, when I try to executed it twice, I don't alway have
dependency respected. For sure, I'm doing something wrong, but can not
figure what. Bellow are the execution ou
Yeah, I think you're right. I'll change the way my mount variable is
generated to avoid having a "-" and when possible, upgrade tu 2.7.2
Thanks for the help!
On 4 août, 15:20, vagn scott wrote:
> On 08/04/2011 09:14 AM, Jean-Christophe Lacaze / Bintz wrote:
> &
No, I can't update puppet to a new version because we're running
numerous servers with the same configuration.
Isn't there a way to protect the hyphen, something like a "\" ?
On 4 août, 12:42, vagn scott wrote:
> On 08/04/2011 06:18 AM, Jean-Christophe Lacaze / Bint
Im on a 2.6.1 running on a RedHat EL 5.2
On 4 août, 11:55, vagn scott wrote:
> What version of puppet are you on?
> On 08/04/2011 03:30 AM, Jean-Christophe Lacaze / Bintz wrote:
> > It's a fact generated automatically when something is mounted and
> > replace
So the fact includes the "-" since it only translate the path into a
variable name. That part seems to work, it's calling the fact in my
class that doesn't seem to be working.
On 3 août, 21:41, vagn scott wrote:
> On 08/03/2011 05:49 AM, Jean-Christophe Lacaze / B
Im currently trying to get an if condition working.
I have:
if "$mountpoint_path_my-path" {
file with apache privilege
} else {
file with root privilege
$mountpoint_path_my-path being the facter variable that comes up after
something is mounted.
I had already that kind of thing
Le 04/04/11 05:26, donavan a écrit :
On Apr 3, 10:10 am, Jean Baptiste FAVRE
But I would like to highlight nodes dependenxies as well.
Is there any way to get a global "node-centric" graph ?
If yes, how: server-side, client-side, both ?
You might want to try this on
Hash: SHA1
Working further with puppet, I need to be able to graph both nodes and
class dependencies to be able to diagnose issues and/or redundancies.
Currently, activating graph allows me to get ressources/dependencies
graphs per client.
But I would li
Stupid me :-)
I was wondering for *years* why this user was not getting the right password...
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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"Puppet Users" group.
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comment => "Foo Bar"
The resulting /etc/shadow entry is:
As a result, the user cannot log in, as the encrypted password is corrupt.
This is both on
432 S0 17.9 337:26.04 puppet
I know it is difficult to find out what's wrong just with an
observation like this, but I'd be glad to provide more details. I'd
prefer not to run puppet in cron.
Thanks in advance,
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You received this message because
; Package["haproxy"]
package { "haproxy":
ensure => installed
This used to work with 0.24.8, would be nice to fix.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Use
actions in preseed/kickstart, just execute:
FACTER_bootstrap_step=true puppetd --test --server puppetsrv.domain.com
Le 24/08/2010 09:55, Daniel Pittman a écrit :
Jean Baptiste FAVRE writes:
Hello, Seems I wasn't clear enough ;-)
Well, or I wasn't smart enough. ;)
can't find this information in Puppet's ChangeLog nor in Debian ChangeLog:
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You received this message becau
OK I understand your point:
irb(main):001:0> File.expand_path('/home/jbq/system/.')
=> "/home/jbq/system"
Maybe Puppet should compare canonical paths, i.e. convert paths found
in config file to canonical paths upon startup...
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You receive
$ cat fileserver.conf.in
27;m asking
to the list.
Le 24/08/2010 01:52, Daniel Pittman a écrit :
Jean Baptiste FAVRE writes:
I need to be able to execute some puppet statements at the end of an automatic
installation, essentially packages removal. But I don't want it to be executed
The main q
message is always printed for this resource:
info: /Stage[main]/Webserver/File[/var/www/company.com/html]: Storing
newly-audited value for content
Would be nice to fix.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I need to be able to execute some puppet statements at the end of an
automatic installation, essentially packages removal. But I don't want
it to be executed later.
I'm looking on a way to test tag definition into my default node but did
not find it. What I would like to do is sort of:
Hello Eric,
Thanks for the link.
My bad, did not think about looking into puppet svn modules :-/
Will try it asap,
Le 12/08/2010 11:24, Eric Heydrick a écrit :
On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Jean Baptiste FAVRE wrote:
Hello list,
I'm planning to deploy and use Puppet at work.
Hello list,
I'm planning to deploy and use Puppet at work.
For this, I've set up a SVN server to keep track of all changes in
modules & manifests.
Reading documentation to be able to define coding rules, I want to put
some SVN hooks to ensure for correct syntax and coding rules respect.
result = "xenhvm" if p =~ /XenSource/
< result = "xenhvm" if pd =~ /HVM domU/
< when "xenu", "openvzve", "vmware", "xenhvm"
> when "xenu", "openvzve", "vmwar
Hello everyone,
While discovering puppet, I just figured out that facter does not
recognise my server as Xen HVM DomU, at least not in virtual fact:
# facter
facterversion => 1.5.1
manufacturer => Xen
operatingsystem => Debian
operatingsystemrelease => 5.0.5
productname => HVM domU
any vcs, but sometimes we have to cope with the reality ;)
Thanks again,
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bout that, but don't hesitate to
redirect me to an article or a thread here if it has already been discussed.
Thank you,
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"Puppet Users" group.
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y case.
Anyway, see my other answer, I did not mean users should be able to change
files puppet manages, I was not very clear in my first post, sorry.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Puppet Users" group.
To post to
ze you manifests instead of allowing
> local changes.
> Welcome to puppet ;) ,
> Silviu
Hope it is clearer now. Thank you for taking the time to answer my
puppet-newbie problems ;)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
r/group, which is
absolutely not desired behaviour in my case (puppet should not change
ownership for files it doesn't manage in my case...)
- I'd like puppet to let user change some files in the skeleton as they
want, i.e. skip this directory if it just exists
Do you have an idea abo
anymore with puppet. Does anyone met the same issue here ?
IT a complete catastrophy if puppet is dead because of this 'security
upgrade' i am kindof in a panic mode here.
puppetca -c host, puppetca -s host does not change anything
puppetversion => 0.22.4
facterversion => 1.5.6
ood practice since years now leading to a greater
chance of success. Of course i think Paul should have a look at children
virtualisation because they tend to proliferate quickly as they come
natively with 'i want a brother' service installed and running on port
Please feel free to comment with your own experience to have a more
comprehensive bug report.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2009/5/7 Jean Spirat :
> Jean Spirat a écrit :
>> hello,
>> I tried to reinstall puppet to start with a clean install. I use debian
>> packages for lenny. I purged the package, make sure that /var/lib/puppet
>> and /etc/puppet where removed, i ru
Peter Meier a écrit :
>>> (I'm working angles to see if we can get presentations
>>> streamed/recorded.
>> +1 for this idea :-)
> I'd like to second that. Would be nice!
> cheers pete
o yes , would love that too. Will even pay a few $$ to view it if if
this help
> This is a known issue in 1.5.x which we hope to fix for 1.6.0, whilst
> still making fact resolution fast.
> http://projects.reductivelabs.com/issues/1365
> Paul
oh i see thanks Paul !
You recei
rubyversion: 1.8.5
facterversion: 1.5.6
Is this normal ?
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a lot,
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nted in puppetd
-h? I'm using 0.24.8 FWIW.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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"Puppet Users" group.
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>> thanks, any way to repport this to someone who is managing the gem :) ?
> It's already been reported and fixed. We're thinking about 1.5.6 to fix this.
> Paul
faster than report, dam thanks all of you !! :)
> cd /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter01.5.5 && \
> ruby installer.rb
> cd /usr/bin && ln -fs /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/facter
> Seems the gem install is a little broken.
thanks, any way to repport this to someone who is
to load -- facter (LoadError)
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter:50
Anyone see what can be wrong here ? Seems to be an include path
somewhere as it fail on the require:
require 'facter'
It was installed with ge
Robin Lee Powell a écrit :
> On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 09:45:10PM +0200, jean wrote:
>> hi,
>> I have a problem with purging. I tried to create directory that are:
>> file {
>> "$base
e fun thing
is that it changes the file's mode but do not purge it :)
puppetversion => 0.24.5
facterversion => 1.5.1
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8 sed
sudo tar traceroute
tzdata vim vim-common vim-runtime vim-tiny wwwconfig-common zip zlib1g
so...this seems quite a lot of change to the basic system for just
puppet :)
Thanks for the patch it works now.
Jean Spirat a écrit :
> Peter Meier a écrit :
>> Hi
>> puppet version? Did you turn stored configs on? etc.
>> I assume you have followed
>> http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/ExportedResources ?
>> cheers pete
7;main-1' {
File <<| tag == 'backup01' |>>
node 'backup01' {
@@file{"/tmp/$fqdn":content => "$fqdn",tag
=> 'backup01';}
err: Could not retrieve catalog: Puppet:
Even with direct config in the nodes:
node 'main-1' {
@@file{"/tmp/$fqdn":content => "$fqdn",tag =>
node 'backup01' {
File <<| tag == 'backup01' |>>
I was wondering, can we create stored virtual ressources like a @@file
on a node and have it realized on another node ?
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"Puppet Users"
i got :
err: Could not retrieve catalog: Puppet::Parser::Compiler failed with
error NameError: uninitialized constant ParamValue on node
i am kind of lost here on why it does not work:)
You recei
Jean Spirat a écrit :
> hello,
> I tried to reinstall puppet to start with a clean install. I use debian
> packages for lenny. I purged the package, make sure that /var/lib/puppet
> and /etc/puppet where removed, i run puppetca --clean on the master and
> reinstalled
his is a little too broad :)
i use:
(root)> puppetd --version
debian lenny package for this.
Anything i am doing wrong ?
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"Puppet U
--waitforcert 30
warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
err: Could not request certificate: Certificate retrieval failed: header
too long
anything i am doing wrong here ? this is just plain nexw installed
debian lenny host.
> correct version of Puppet is in all of those places.
> Is there a pretty way to solve this problem? How do you do it?
I would do this in the "update" hook of the central repository, so
that it is invoked before changesets
2009/4/22 Jean-Baptiste Quenot :
> 2009/4/21 Luke Kanies :
>> And, for the record, I think this got a lot better in 0.24.8 (or maybe
>> 0.24.7?). We found a few cases where errors could propagate far
>> enough to kill the client, and I think we've eradicated nearly
8, as I'm using 0.24.4 right now. Thanks
for your valuable answers. If the problem persists I'll be running
the daemons in debug mode to see what's wrong.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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lly as you
mention that "dead puppet clients" disappeared.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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"Puppet Users" group.
To post to this g
very slow especially with recurse=>true, I tend to put my files in
Debian packages when possible.
> Are you hitting the OOM killer? It sounds like you might be.
I don't think so because there is nothing in syslog. The last message
from puppetd is "Starting catalog run&qu
prevent the client to fail at all...
I'm a bit eager with this, and I'm really looking forward to find a
solution, community-wise. Your comments are welcome.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot
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