Did you ever find a good solution to this? found stuff like this:
- but thats really ugly
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We do that.. look at http://docs.grafana.org/reference/scripting/
You can simply write a scripted dashboard and have your javascript check
f.ex. for the existence of a mysql counter on the relevant host.. and then
draw the graphs for "mysql" if the counters are there - and so on for all
other t
lxd module for puppet can provision lxc 'vm's - and puppet-virt module can
provision kvm's.
But normally puppets place in the footchain - is NOT provisioning.. there
are much better tools for this (razor etc.) - which then hands over OS
system configuration to puppet.
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I configure monitoring by letting puppet create exported resources on all
hosts (where my rules then figure out what to monitor).. and then I simply
pull those resources on the monitor servers - which results in config files
for the things to monitor. Works beautifully with nagios/icinga and oth
Someone should really create a ticket with a suggestion to fix it (with
some examples of what this new option should fix) - and share it here - so
everyone can watch the ticket and chime in (it's open source.. remember ;)
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I just had to that.. I simply landed on creating an rpm - that packaged up
the files.. so I could install jboss using yum.. much preferrable (and
since I'm using licensed edition - puppet can't download it by itself
anyways.. unless I placed it somewhere locally ofcourse).
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I found a solution. adding --distinct (incl. start and end time, set to
yesterday and today) - it works.
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I'm trying to let puppetdb query the result of a puppet run, and then fetch
the numbers of failures, successes, changes etc.. using this:
curl -G 'http://localhost:8080/v3/aggregate-event-counts' --data-urlencode
'query=["=", "certname", "myhost.fqdn"]' --data-urlencode
You must define the concat for /myfile as well on all servers.
I've switched to file_concat for these things, and it helped me - and you
might not need to define it with that module.. give it a whirl.
concat module has several deficiencies which all seemed to be very well
resolved by the file_c
My solution to that, has been to use a packaging system. RPM etc. all check
md5sum (and PGP check against upstream signature) - so I insist on rolling
everything binary, on as packages, and use only 1 packaging system per host
(ie. gems etc. get repackaged to rpm, deb or whatever).
You rece
I use puppetboard too - it's really great, and much lighter on the
database. A big improvement on puppet-dashboard.
Only one issue remains, that means I must keep my puppet-dashboard..
There's a bug in the puppetdb-terminus - so nodes which manifest fails
compilation fails - does NOT get a repo
I'll be there as well.. saturday and sunday only though. (FiXion on irc)
see http://blog.klavsen.info/ for a larger picture :)
looking forward to seeing you there.
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I use:
if ( $puppetversion != "3.3.1" ) {
package { "Puppet 3.3.1":
source => "software01\\autorepo\$\\Puppet\\puppet-3.3.1.msi",
install_options => [ '/quiet',
to ensure a specific version on all windows hosts.
It seems defines can't inherit.. the docs are a bit vague, but they seem to
indicate that only classes can inherit :
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but defines can't inherit it seems. The docs are a little vague, but they
seem to indicate that only classes can inherit (
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"Puppet Users
I'm trying to modify certain users, created with by calling the define
I tried to do it, by calling users::local::modify - but then puppet
complains that only subclasses may modify.. :(
What am I doing wrong here?
define users::local
I believe vagrant has gotten vmware support - so one can use it to disperse
vms in vmware esx servers.
It's not a free extension though: http://www.vagrantup.com/vmware#learn-more
But it's fairly simple powershell scripting to create vms - so one could
rather easily write a powershell script, w
You could also use exported resources, and simply do this on all clients:
@@exec { "/bin/command-to-run-on-mater": tag => "master" }
and then collect on the master:
Exec <<| tag = 'master' |>>
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Den fredag den 25. oktober 2013 22.10.40 UTC+2 skrev Rob Reynolds:
> tl;dr: Windows manages permissions in a way that doesn't always translate
> well to mode. We're putting together a solution for this. Jump in the
> discussion.
> I wanted to get this conversation started. We've put a lot
Ticket updated :)
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Also of note.. facts.d support is broken in windows 2003 :( (and it breaks
puppet - so it won't even run) - see
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Den fredag den 11. oktober 2013 14.12.32 UTC+2 skrev Klavs Klavsen:
> so it would be preferrable to be able to install root elsewhere
Dooh - to install puppet elsewhere :) (ie. under /opt/puppet f.ex.)
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I know of several who have managed servers, but want to use Puppet to roll
manage the applications they install, and whatelse they have been allowed
to manage - but that will never be able to run puppet as root, since the OS
is not their responsibility.
Also - some of those, the managers of the
indepth kibana.. well wouldn't that mostly be elasticsearch in depth you'd
need? and Kibana is such a moving target, that it would probably have
changed majorly, before a book came out :)
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I've seen similar errors, and I found it easier to simply delete the
reports where this happened.. unfortunately puppet-dashboard is not
entirely bugfree, and unmaintained.. :(
I'm hoping to replace puppet dashboard with
https://github.com/nedap/puppetboard - but haven't had time to work on tha
This would be a GREAT benefit, and I for one, would definetely make it my
File default :)
source_permissions is a fine name for it.
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Den tirsdag den 3. september 2013 20.09.19 UTC+2 skrev Ken Barber:
> Is it acceptable to do the search based on 'certname'? ie:
> curl -G 'http://localhost:8080/v2/facts' --data-urlencode
> 'query=["and",["~","certname","puppetdb?"],["or",["=","name","ipaddress"],["=","name","hostname"]]]'
This gives me the ipaddress (and hostname).. now to figure out how to
filter on hostname regex..
'query=["=", "name", "ipaddress"]'
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I also tried https://github.com/dalen/puppet-puppetdbquery - but that
didn't really get me any closer :(
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I'm trying to query puppetdb for a list of hosts maching a certain regex
(on hostname) and only returns 2 facts (ipaddress and hostname)
I'm trying to follow:
and I'm not even quite sure, wether or not, I should use a facts or a
Just setup Puppet 3.2.2 - with debug enabled in passenger, it complains
about this:
Warning: calling Plugins.search with empty module path
and it does seem to not find any modules, nor plugins.
how do I fix that warning?
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I switched to running webbrick instead of passenger - and it runs perfectly.
I'll try to go through my passenger setup on other puppetmasters that run
3.x - and see if I can find any differences.
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I've setup a new puppet 3.2.2 server - next to my current 2.7.22 server.
When I connect with a client against it (changed puppet.conf to use the new
server), then it removes facts and all (and runs no rules) - but it doesn't
complain anywhere - not on the new puppetmaster either :(
I'm hop
It seems very cool. Thank you for sharing.
One thing that I would be missing, before being able to switch (as gathered
from screenshots - I haven't tested it yet :) - is the overview of failed,
unreported and unresponsive hosts.
Also - there would need to be a way to query this - just as I curre
What I did, was to simply write my own fact, that reads the "id_rsa.pub"
file - and then in the manifest, I simply check if that fact is != "" - and
if so - do @@ssh_authorized_key.. with the public key - and collect that
where I want it.
I have several webservers - which all need to have a key
> well - perhaps you can put noop = true
or something in puppet.conf on the clients ?
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> that job just removes reports for hosts - it does't remove the actual
> hosts.
You need to pick the node in puppet-dashboard webinterface - and choose
delete (upper right corner)
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> would you mind sharing your solution - for the benefit of others who may
>> find your question by googleing - and can't really find the answer in the
>> irc conversation you had? :)
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Den mandag den 22. juli 2013 08.58.32 UTC+2 skrev George Brown:
> Hi Sneha,
> This is for a GPFS (IBM parallel file system) cluster. When a new client
> is added it needs to be added by an node that is already part of the
> cluster. I'm trying to automate this through puppet
> E.g. node80
Den onsdag den 10. juli 2013 12.32.07 UTC+2 skrev Salty Old Cowdawg:
> Is there a global variable (or variables) that get set when a group gets
> defined in dashboard? What I'm trying to do is in a template have a
> conditional such that if a host is in one group do "this" and if not in
> t
I've just setup a new secondary master - following
Nice docu. Much easier than when I first did it (with 0.24 :)
One thing I'm wondering about, is why there can be ONLY 1 CA ?
is it because of the CRL ?
I was thinking of copy
Hi guys,
Currently the windows package provider does not support versions (like
ensure => 1.2.3).
Even though most packages set a DisplayVersion key in the registry - so the
version is often available.
Now I need to upgrade my puppet clients from v3.1.1 to v3.2.3-rc1 (to get
facts.d support o
Den onsdag den 22. maj 2013 09.56.36 UTC+2 skrev Heriyanto:
> Hi,
> I've been use puppetdb about 6 months ago, and now the database more than
> 6gigs
> Is that any way to "recycle" database? the data on database more than
> 30day
class python::install {
> package { 'python':
> ensure => installed,
> source => "example.com
> \\software\\python\\python-2.7.3.amd64.msi",
> install_options => [ { 'INSTALLDIR' => 'C:\python27' }, {
> 'ALLUSERS' => '1' } ],
> }
> }
I switched to the winxp edition - and sflow now installs perfectly.
I edited path to NSCP - to be EXACTLY the same as I use for sflow agent msi
- and now it works too - atleast on win2003/x86 machines. Haven't had time
to test on win2008.
One odd thing - I'musing a path like this - which works:
I have 51 clients in puppet-dashboard – and when I tell it to delete a node
– it simply hangs forever. If I try to just open / on the puppet-dashboard
website – I get a proxy timeout (I have apache in front).
I end up having to kill webrick and start it again – with the node NOT
being dele
I have an odd problem - I have a define, as an exported resource. when
puppet creates them on the central gdash host - it creates them with the
correct (client) hostname (f.ex. cat
/var/www/gdash/graph_templates/dashboards/hosts/p-web01/dash.yaml) - but
the content has the central gdash ho
Found out anything about why this is ? Any fix ?
deleting a node hangs puppet-dashboard here :( - I have to restart to get
it up again.
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Den fredag den 3. maj 2013 00.22.29 UTC+2 skrev denmat:
> Sorry, I don't do much windows so can't be of much help but how does
> running the install command from the windows command line go? Does that
> install okay?
Yup - works just fine. The fact that the same paths work fine on windows
I've heard of some, who use mcollective to order a test-run on all nodes,
against an environment - with --noop - and then they watch puppet-dashboard
for nodes that had changes (which ofcourse weren't actually done - because
of --noop).
I was thinking of doing exactly that - and then exploiting
On windows server 2008 - it works perfectly.
Den torsdag den 2. maj 2013 15.41.35 UTC+2 skrev Klavs Klavsen:
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to make puppet install packages on windows.
> It will install exe files just fine - but msi files won't be installed.
> The
Hi guys,
I'm trying to make puppet install packages on windows.
It will install exe files just fine - but msi files won't be installed.
They fail consistently :(
I've tried both having the files on a central directory - and give an UNC
path to it, and with a file resource, putting the file in
Well - as everything else - there can be security issues, where the SSL
cert check won't help you:
So you should definetely be careful - Puppet is very young, compared to
apache, openssh and others that have been internetfacing for many, many
I think it's:
That gives you problems.
don't set ENV['PATH'].. if you really need to set path (the path set there
is unnecessary AFAIK), you can set it with the with_env function.
So the ENV.. setting. (it is inherited to all other facts and pup
pls. post if you upload it to the forge or somewhere else.. would
definetely be interested in getting rid of mkdir -p :)
Den tirsdag den 9. april 2013 18.56.33 UTC+2 skrev Mike Power:
> I'll see if I can open source the component I wrote and upload it to
> puppet forge. In this way the open s
I use Netgroups (with LDAP as backend) to group my nodes.
Netgroups is an old NIS thing, which works beautifully. You can group
hosts, and each netgroup, can contain other netgroups, users or hosts.
This way, a host can be a member of several netgroups - and I use netgroup
membership to determi
Did you get any further with the installutil provider?
It sounds really interesting - I myself is trying to automate install of
PerfTab (a .net application)..
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I solved this issue, by using netgroups (in LDAP) - which is loaded into
puppet, by a script which is run by external_nodes setting (it just
provides parameters - no actual nodes).
This way, a server can have multiple roles (by being in multiple
Unfortunately hiera can't currently
My puppetdb fails with this message:
java -jar /usr/share/puppetdb/puppetdb.jar services -c
java.io.EOFException: null
at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt (DataInputStream.java:392)
I found that according to a comment in the apt provider, it does not
yet support enforcing versions :(
I guess I'll have to implement it, if I really need it :)
On 20 Mar., 15:32, "Klavs Klavsen" wrote:
> Hi,
> I've setup puppet to install apache2 version 2.2.9-
I've setup puppet to install apache2 version 2.2.9-7 (which isn't
available to the client).
Puppet installs apache-2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3.
Isn't it suppose to fail instead, when I've defined a version it can't
This is my apache2 class:
class apache2 {
$packagelist = ["apache2"]
61 matches
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