Den mandag den 22. juli 2013 08.58.32 UTC+2 skrev George Brown:
> Hi Sneha,
> This is for a GPFS (IBM parallel file system) cluster. When a new client 
> is added it needs to be added by an node that is already part of the 
> cluster. I'm trying to automate this through puppet
> E.g. node80 has just been provisioned
> After installing the client packages I need to add the node from a server 
> already in the cluster by running the following two commands
> mmaddnode -N node80
> mmchlicense client --accept -N node80
> Obviously I only want to have this exec run when a new host is added but I 
> also only want it to execute for the newly added host (I don’t want it to 
> run though nodes01-79 also).
Perhaps you could do an @@exec.. with a creates.. question is where it 
actually runs the creates check (I'd assume it to be run where it is 
That only depends on the commands above, actually creating a file 
somewhere, so you can check for the existence of that file. Otherwise you 
could do an unless instead (a bit more expensive and troublesome though) 

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